Blurry Vision


I am so happy for you!

Not only will your eyes be okay, but if you keep hanging out with people who are in great control and who keep up with the diabetes news the rest of you will be fine too!

Hang in there.

Do you wear contacts or glasses? If so try not wearing them you may find that you can see. When I got diagnosed with type 1 I went to the eye doctor and my vision which was about -2.5 in each eye was 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other eye. When I got my BG under control my eyes went back to normal and I had to start wearing my contacts again. The reason my eyes were blurry was that they were being over corrected. Dave

I had 20/20 vision prior to Saturday, hopefully it returns!!!

Way to go Mark!!! If I were you Iā€™d listen to my Dr I noticed on here I was the only one who had trouble with my eyes and lows. To be totally honest I canā€™t remember what it was like before I took D b/c I was only 10 at the time.

I was diagnosed with LADA 10 days ago. My vision began blurring when I went into ketoacidosis during the flu that triggered it just over a month ago. Some days/times seem more blurry than others but never clear. My levels are not controlled or stable yet, averaging i the mid 200ā€™s but spiking up to 421 and dipping into mid 80ā€™s. I have a astigmatism and am near sided, I have worn glasses since age 7 without too much Rx changes, but my regular glasses that I just got updated a couple weeks prior to the ketoacidosis are useless right now. I bought strong reading glasses in order to read anything in normal size print, I canā€™t read at all without them at this point. My doctor says I should get my vision back but itā€™s scary. Itā€™s been over a month and while I know my levels arenā€™t stable yet I worry about how much longer my eyes can handle this without permanent damage.

Did your doctor tell you what your A1C was when diagnosed? That may give you an idea of high your average BGs were 3 months prior. Being in DKA and dehydration may also impact how quickly your vision will stabilize. But it usually improves, and often back to where it was.

If you havenā€™t yet, you may consider an appt with a retina specialist or ophthalmologist. They can check the back of the eye and check for changes over time.


My eyes too about 6 weeks to get back to normal.

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It took 2 months but I am back to normal too.

I am new at this but was starting to forget about the vision horror part in the beginning.