I am not eating low carb but am wondering about this for when I have meals that are purely protein and fat (like this morning I had ham and eggs).
Yesterday I had another GREAT day - low of 3.8 (68) and high of 8.1 (145)! Today, not so much... I was stuck at 9-12 (160-230) for 8-10 hours now, even with increased ratios and a +30% temp basal and many, many corrections. I've finally broken the high but now am 5.9 with an arrow straight down, so I think I might end up low, we'll see.
I don't think it was the breakfast because I started climbing as soon as I woke up and I didn't eat breakfast until an hour later. But, I am interested in finding out how to stay between the lines as much as possible, and I've heard a lot of people talk about bolusing for protein, so I wonder how it's done (AND also a reliable source of finding protein - I looked up eggs on CalorieKing and got variations from 2g to 18g protein!).
I generally don't bolus for protein, Jen, so I can't help you with principals but I'm sure others will. My experience is that it is only necessary for very low carb. One situation I have where I do account for protein is when I just eat an omelet. I automatically just bolused for the vegies as I do when I have huevos mexicana and vegie sauseage (4 grams for the vegie sausage and 4 for the vegies); bolusing just 4 for the vegies in the omelet. I kept going high. So I now bolus for 6 grams for the omelet and it works out perfectly. I assume that's because it's so low carb.
Jen - I count 50% of protein grams and 10% of fat grams. I add them together and divide by my insulin to carb ratio to calculate an "equivalent carb dose." Deliver this using the combo bolus with a maximum delivery rate of 1.2 units per hour using as much times as necessary.
I use calorie king, too. It's handy on my phone. So, if you consumed 16 grams of carbs, 28 grams of protein, and 26 grams of fat, how would you calculate the dose?
My insulin to carb ratio for dinner is 1:7. So, I'd take 16/7 = 2.3 units immediately for carbs, then (28 x 0.5) + (26 x 0.1) = 16.6. Divide that by the I;C ratio 7, 16.6/7 = 2.4 units. I would then deliver 2.4 units over 2 hours. Protein/fat boluses are pretty easy to dial in and are forgiving. I usually try to prebolus for the carbs by 20-30 minutes or more.
I don't use the percentage split on the combo bolus. That is I'll do an immediate carb bolus then I'd choose the combo bolus and choose 0% up front and 100% extended over time. It just makes it easier for me to think about.
I discovered these methods in the flatliners club and the tag groups. They worked almost right out of the box. These techniques became a staple of my dosing since 2012.
I tried bolusing for protein according to a formula at first and I went hypo.. that was early on and I barely needed any insulin for meals. Now I usually add 5-10g carbs, (I used to add 1 unit) for protein and fat, it's not a scientific process sometimes it works and sometimes it is a bit too much or not enough. There are so many variables for what happens for me that I find it hard to know for sure what is going on unless it is something really obvious.
I'm going to try Terry's method and see how that goes for me. I will have to weigh the protein/fat which I don't do, I'm hesitant to add one more thing that I have to do before eating etc. there is already way too much but if it works it may be worth it. I have done extended bolus with mixed success so far. Sometimes I just need more insulin up front even with a higher fat meal and then more later which I add in as I see a rise. Maybe extending the fat/protein bolus with the measurements will help.
I dont know EXACTLY 100% what you are talking about Jen, but it sounds like you use a pump. (I take insulin injections so I'm not exactly sure). I am trying to be healthy. Sometimes what I "think" is healthy really isnt. And that is TRICKY when you have diabetes. I think drinking protein powder with milk is healthy.. but it makes my blood sugars really high. Especially when I do not drink water with it. I honestly think water can really, really help. Whenever my blood sugar is high and I dont have a sliding scale I will call a nurse hotline & they'll tell me to drink 8oz of water every hour until my blood sugar has come down. I will just try to gulp a bunch down. I dont know if drinking a bunch of water and keeping yourself hydrated is the key to being healthy and taking care of your diabetes while taking protein powder, or to just not use protein powder. I do know when I was a kid I would eat salad & chicken all the time because I didnt want to take shots. So I thought just eating "carb free" was the answer. But when I went to my endocrinologist and dietician they werent too happy about it. I do know eating BALANCED is very important. An over all balanced meal. I do have the same kind of struggle you have. Figuring out food and how to FEED yourself (FOOD is medicine to diabetics as much as injections are) is really hard and frustrating to figure out. Especially when you dont feel right, something isnt right, but you dont know why or how to fix it. Remember to drink looooots of water when youre blood sugar is high to try and flush it out and maybe even thin out your blood.