I had great results with my Animas One Touch Ping for 7 months. Then the elevated BG readings began. When removing the cartridge to change the site, etc. I noticed a LARGE air bubble in the neck, many smaller ones all along the bottom of the black gasket, some even clinging to the side of the cartridge. After priming/rewinding pump worked fine. Until later in the day or several hours later, when BG was elevated again. Prime/rewind again. This has gone on for over one month! I’m told that bubbles in tubing ARE a problem, but bubbles in cartridge are NOT a problem.
Animas has sent me replacement cartridges, insets, even a new pump. Still the problem persists. Has anyone experienced similar bubble issues and elevated BG? Animas tells me they have not had any other complaints!
Bubbles happen, and the bubble in the cartridge will eventually end up in the tubing so it becomes a problem. I have bubbles now and then, but I have a MM pump. I just watch for bubbles and prime them out when I see them. I have been doing a bubble check for 20 plus years and wish I could answer why they happen.
i have had problems with having bubbles in my cartridge as well i off and on checking my line to see if there is a bubble or not it gets kind of tedious to have to check for that. i have animas 2020 so i understand fully
Hi Jenny, I don't know if you've already gotten a good answer to this question, but I have a Ping as well and there are always large bubbles in the empty cartridge when I go to change it out (even though there were none in there when I filled the cartridge initially). The bubbles don't affect my blood sugar unless they get in the tubing, and every time I change clothes or go to the bathroom, I try to glance at the tubing (in good light!) to make sure I don't see any bubbles in there. Beware of that method though- sometimes I get little condensation spots that look like bubbles initially but aren't. Anyway, if you're worried about the bubbles getting in your tubing, you could wear your pump upside down (with the tubing pointing down in your pocket or wherever), as the bubbles should rise "up". At the same time, when I load a new cartridge and prime the line, I hold the pump right side up (with the tubing coming out of the top) to make sure I push out any existing air bubbles. If you're having high blood sugars but can't see any air in the tubing, I would work with your doctor to adjust your basals, as it's probably not a problem with the pump.