Air bubble in tubing on Ping

I have used the Omnipod wireless for 3 years and just changed to the Ping so I'm new to the tubing thing on a pump. I have noticed a couple of times that what looks like an air bubble about 1/8" long appears in the tubing. Maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there but I am pretty sure it's an air bubble. Is this common? Is it cause for concern? Anybody else have this problem?

I see that on occasion as well, but mostly see bubbles when I'm changing out the cartridge cause I'm not getting the right infusion. My basal rate is only .225 and I know that the smallest little bubble can throw things off for me. Problem is, no matter how careful I am when installing a new inset/cartridge, I inevitably wind up with some bubbles in the cartridge, which I notice when changing it out (which can be every other day because bubbles have formed and I'm not getting the right basal). I follow the directions exactly and make sure the insulin is at room temperature when preparing the cartridge. Very frustrating.

I have never had a problem with air bubbles in my cartridge or tubing. You are correct at the utilization of room temperature Novolog, Humalog, or Apidra but I would suggest a few other things. Make sure the cartridge is firmly seated against the piston of the pump when loading it, do not reuse tubing to save insulin (9 or 10 units) this will most often cause some bubbles to occur. Make sure there is a tiny dome of insulin at the top of your cartridge right before attaching your infusion set tubing, this eliminates dead space when attaching the tubing before priming. Lastly when filling your cartridge always make sure it remains vertical (standing up) after filling. Hope these ae helpful.

If you're worried about bubbles in the tubing, you can try turning your pump upside down, so that the air bubbles stay on the piston side of the pump. I spoke to Animas last year about this, and they told me that were working on a belt clip that would allow the pump to be rotated. I haven't heard anything about it, since then.

Thanks I'll have to try pointing the pump upside down. Good idea! I was just worried about air getting pumped into me even though it's a small amount. I guess if it was going to hurt me it would have by now. Thanks again!