If were gonna be on the computer, I need some fun. Relevant paintings welcome too. This dog is sick of walking.
(Sorry, had to pick the low hanging fruit first)
thats a good one!!!
Not exactly a song, but it’ll sure get The Rembrandts stuck in your head:
(Tune of the Friends theme song)
Personally, I preferred the “stay the f- at home” version, but it’s probably against the site TOS.
There needs to be an evening out between the have and have nots
It’s way out of balance
It’s gona be EPIC when it happens - full blown Von Clausewitz - I hope I am around to see it.
Sufficiently apocalyptic?
Maggie’s Farm by Bob Dylan captures my apocalyptic mood…
For you John.
This one kinda fits
Hehehe, that’s the one that Robyn posted. Perfect fit. Makes me want to smoke cigarettes. Trying not to, but I feel fine!
Thats what I get for reading from the bottom.
Its fun watching the live performances. This is probably the best music video I have ever seen.
He doesn’t have a dry cough, does he?
Need to get some magic mushrooms…
I think @DrBB is in NY…We are all thinkin’ of you guys.
Actually Boston, but we’re thinking of all you TUD’ers, too!
And it doesn’t get any more sublimely apocalyptic than this, IMO:
Mescaline and omelettes made a good breakfast back in the day
Life goes on…