Sorry I’m a first time photo poster on this forum. I hope it turns out or this message is going to look strange!
I’m a BIG fan of the Salter Scale. I see a lot of questions on the forum regarding weighing food, or how to figure out the carbs in foods on this site. Some people eye ball it, some use measuring cups, I use the Salter scale. It’s just like another kitchen appliance on the counter top at our house, just like the toaster. Some things I do not use the salter scale for, an example would be any kind of a pasta or if it has pasta in it… we use measuring cups for that (but not mac & cheese). The scale has over 1400 foods already stored in it. For example Cheerios, French fries (baked or fried), fruits, pasta, bread, the list just goes on and on. You can add a food product to it with the nutritional information, if you make the same recipe over and over the same way you can also add that into the scale, or you can use it just to get the grams of the item.
I have attached several photos to show you a couple of ways you can use the salter scale.
Here is a photo of the scale
I put the bowl on the scale, and then turn it on.
I’m sorry this is hard to read, but it’s the information on the box of Captain Crunch- It states 3/4 cup or 27g= 23 carbs
I pour cereal in the bowl until the scale states 27g to match what the box states is the weight of 23 carbs.
Just to show you. If you only use measuring cups, I poured what I had in the bowl that was 27g into a 3/4 cup. The box states that 3/4 of a cup also equaled 23 carbs. As you can see from the photo, I have lots of room left over in the measuring cup. So if I went off the box, used a measuring cup instead of a scale, and I filled it up, there is no doubt my daugher would have gotten more than 23 carbs by using a measuring cup.
Next I wanted to give you an example of what’s already in the scale.
I don’t know if you know how to send a text message on your cell phone? But thats what you do to enter a food name into the scale. I entered grapes. I didn’t have to do anything else, this scale has over 1400 foods carb information already in it. If I would have scrolled down, it would have given other grape information like jelly, or jam.
I put the grapes in a bowl and hit enter. All this information comes up on the screen. I didn’t do anything but put the grapes in the bowl, and hit some buttons. You can’t get any more accurate than this.
The carbs for this bowl of grapes is 6.5 carbs.
This is just a picture of the grapes on the scale. i couldn’t get close enough so you could read the carb information it gave and see the grapes on the scale.
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Let’s say your daughter is done eating, and there is 4 grapes left in the bowl. With the scale no problem, just put the grapes back in the bowl and weigh it. If you started with 6.5 carbs and 2.9 is left, your daughter ate 3.2 carbs of grapes.