I have both Celiac and Type One Diabetes. I hate it, but I like that it seperates me from alot of people and friends that are around me. When it comes to bread, I get really upset some times that I can’t have what my friends are eating, and they don’t even care to say anything. I try to ignore their behavior and their not so much for any sympathy, but sometimes I can’t help it and it shows that I don’t want to be around it. My grandma makes me bread and I’m very thankful for that, but we haven’t found a recipe that fits. What is the best gluten free recipe or packaged bread you’ve had? I’d like to know, because even though my grandma’s bread isn’t yet perfect, it does make me feel better when I’m around some of my friends when we eat.
Hi Raquel,
I haven’t found any of the ready made breads that my daughter likes so far. A number of the family on here have some they like. Maybe they will see this and let you know names and places to get some. I have several gluten free cookbooks from Barnes and Noble that i use for various things. I have made some of the recipes from them and they have been prretty tasty. The biggest problems I have found is that you have to do a lot of tweaking with the carb count and changing out some of the ingredients in order to lower the carbs. Trial and error is the best method i have found to find something that works. I ujsed to go to a whole foods market in order to get some iof the ingredients. Now I can find a lot of things at the regular grocery stores. And there are ready made breads and things in a refrigerated section and in a freezer section that are gluten free. Here again, you have to read the nutrition list and watch the number of carbs. But if you can fnd even a small amount of stuff you can eat, then that is good. If I can help with anything I will be happy too.
Hi Raquel! It is really hard to be on such a limited diet. We have a group here for people living with Celiac. Click here to see it. Hopefully someone there can recommend a bread recipe.
One thing that I discovered recently, which states that it is gluten free is almond flour or almond meal. It’s basically just ground almonds. I made cookies with it over the holiday with no flour and they were delicious. I bought it from this website. There is one recipe that I found at this link, but I have never tried it before.