Hello there, I am just looking for some support with all of the above. My daughter who is now 10 was just diagnosed with Celiac via endoscopic biopsy after her Iga was at 48. We have been dealing with T1 since 11/2010 and the thyroid is currently holding without medication however she does have the antibodies, they are just monitoring her at this point. I guess that I am just looking for support as we now tackle this life of going gluten free. Does anyone have any suggestions as to making this easier on all of us?
I found out I was LADA because I knew I had a high risk of Celiac and had the genetic profile for Celiac - but no Celiac, just Diabetes. I also have Hashimoto's and am in the early stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis - all related. I follow Dr. Bernstein's protocol. There is a group on Tu. We are uber low carbers, but in going low carb, I am also gluten free. Two of my dds need to be gluten free. It makes dinner planning easier for holidays. The gluten free items in the grocery stores are just laden with carbs. My celiac friends use almond flour and flaxmeal instead. This has been the easiest method for me. I don't feel deprived and cook regular meals full of carbs for my family that lives with me and are not Celiac - other two dds do not live with me and have different genetic makeup - different father. I have had a few weak moments making garlic bread for them, but haven't had one mouthful in three years. Highest A1c has been 5.6 so far without insulin or oral meds, but lots of intense exercise along with the ultra low carb diet. LADA is not as aggressive as Type 1 in childhood - progresses slower.
celiac.com is great to look up foods!
www.elanaspantry.com has great recipes
My daughter got celiac about 3 years ago. The whole family eats GF at home- it's just easier & less temptation for her. I make sure she has a special GF treat for times when others in public are eating wheat stuff.
The GF stuff in packages is really high glycemic & not healthy, so we do the almond & coconut flour recipes too. Hope that helps!
I'm a 28 y/o type one since age 4. I was diagnosed with celiac at age 18, and an underactive thyroid at age 22. celiac.com, glutenfreemall.com, and just googling anything related.