Does anyone have any info to share on diagnosing celiac disease? My 10 yr old son though showed no symptoms was tested and found to have a slightly elevated transglutomase number. the docs group wants my 10 year old to see a pediatric GI to do a endoscopy to diagnose if he really is positive for celiac. I don’t want to put him through this test when he has no symptoms and the current test does not mean for sure he has celiac.
Will it do long term damage if we don’t go gluten free if and until he has symptoms?
please join this group
they will know.
Hi LDB. There is a lot of information on the group with Marie's link, and I expect people would answer a question posted there. I have Celiac Disease, and the best book that I've found on the subject is: "Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic", by Peter H.R. Green, Rory Jones. It's available at Amazon in hardcover and kindle.
Thank you! I appreciate it.
Did you ever find out if your son has Celiac or not? We are in the same boat. Tested positive for Celiac by blood test twice, not a single symptom. No anemia, growing, normal sized, doing fine in school, diabetes in control. Don't want to do the endoscopy for multiple reasons, missing work, school, etc (would be performed in another city far away). My daughter is confused bc she doesn't feel sick. I also don't want to say my daughter has a disease she doesn't.
Celiac disease often has no or few symptoms, and the only reason it's caught it through blood test and subsequent endoscopy. It does cause damage even if it isn't causing symptoms, so I wouldn't leave it.
Though an endoscopy sounds like an extreme step, it's a fairly routine test. Siblings of children diagnosed with celiac disease are often screened for celiac with an endoscopy, even if they don't show symptoms AND have a normal blood test. If it were me, I'd do it.
I should update. We since this post had the biopsy and it was negative. After 4 years of anxiety, trying to decide if we should make this forever life-changing diet part of our life to 'cure' a 'disease' with no symptoms, wondering if we were doing the right thing or if the disease could be causing her harm. I'm glad we did the biopsy and it was completely negative and absolutely normal. It was a false positive lab test. And the biopysy cost $10,000. I'm really upset at the doctors that ordered this blood test. It caused a lot of grief in our family. The people I know who have celiac are really sick. We were not.