Celiac's with diabetes?

My doctor said they want to check me for Celiac’s. They said that it goes almost hand-in-hand with Diabetes :frowning: (I have type 1). What exactly is Celiac? He just told me that if I have it I will have to eat ?gluten free? foods…anyone have Celiac’s disease?? Can you help me!

Celiac is an autoimmune disorder in which the body cannot tolerate gluten products. (It is in some respects similar to food sensitivities and food allergies.) Of the known genes related to Type 1 diabetes and the known genes related to celiac, the two conditions have more than half of those genes in common.

Gluten is a protein found in grains that helps bind breads together.

You should look up the Celiac and Diabetes group here on TuDiabetes.

Tmana gave you a good description of Celiac. Gluten includes wheat,rye and barley.Both my daughter and mother have celiac and I am T1 and they are closely linked. I hope your blood work comes back negative but if you test positive there is also a group here for diabetes and celiac you should look into. If blood work shows the possibility of celiac a biopsy would normally be done as that is currently the only 100% accurate test for celiac at the moment after blood work is done. I had myself tested for celiac after my daughter was diagnosed but mine came back negative thankfully. A GF diet can seem restrictive and discouraging but it is a very healthy way of eating. I’ve learned to just substitute GF flours anytime regular flour is needed in recipes. There are also many gluten free products available now that wasn’t years ago when my mother was diagnosed. When she was diagnosed about 13 yrs ago there was very little available for people with celiac that was GF. Now many restaurants are even becoming aware of gluten sensitivities and offer GF menus. Celiac often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in many people. The good thing is your DR knows enough about it to test you. When my mother was finally diagnosed she was extremely sick and had been to several DR’s with no luck. She finally found a DR who knew enough to test her for it. But if your results come back positive I would be happy to answer any other questions you may have about it! Good luck!!