I decided (this took real bravery on my part) to inject my MM sensor into my thigh today--first time. My abdomen is a mass of bruises, as well as a new skin reaction I seem to have to the IV covers.
It bled horribly--never, ever had that happen before. But I cleaned up the blood and it stopped, so I left it in. Once I started it up again, I have been getting wrong readings. Say 52, am 76 (recalibrated); says 58 and is 109. So I turned the sensor off and will restart it in a while. It just seems really confused.
Two questions: do you get different readings on the thigh in lieu of abdomen? Additionally, could the excess bleeding affect readings?
You hit a bleeder. These happen to me on rare occasion. I have had bleeders like that in my stomach and in my thigh. I find them to be much more painful and unreliable. I think the increased inflamation causes lots of problems.
Leave it in for a bit, but if it hurts and its innacurate you should pull it.