Has anyone else experienced chest discomfort during a low? I had a slight low last evening. BG was 72. I had quite a bit of chest pain until about 20-30 minutes after
things got back to normal. I;ve had two MI’s in the past 6 years but they were much more painful. It just so happens I was scheduled for shoulder surgery this morning and answered affirmative to a question from the nurse regarding recent chest pains. Just as I was about to be wheeled in to surgery, the sleep doc said he was afraid to proceed without having a new release from the heart doc. Soooooooo, my surgery was canceled. Would appreciate any and all input. Tom from NE Ohio.
I havent had chest pain, but my heart feels like it is gonna jumo right up from my throat, it wakes me up sometimes, I will have a dream I am running and my heart is pounding, then I wake up, heart is pounding from low blood sugar, hope everything checks out ok and surgery is back on, good luck
I have not had chest pain. I have had a heart attack and do suffer stress issues, but not during a low. I guess i figure it makes sense to see the cardiologist and put the suspicion to rest. Better safe than sorry.
Rick Phillips
OMG, I am so glad you posted this, not glad, but you know.
I no longer have any symptoms for low, but during the last year I too have chest pains during a low. I just take it as my new symptom instead of the sweats and shakes I experienced years ago.
I have put off my stress test for the last 3 years, but am going to schedule it soon so that like Rick said I can put all suspicions to rest.
Hi Karen, As much as I don’t want another stress test, I’m sure it is the propper thing to do. At the least it should tell if there is a connection between the low and the chest pains. I actualy hope there is a connection because I have several stents from prior heart attacks.
I would forget the test, my friend Arzarniouch had a stress test which he passed with flying colours and next day had a severe coronary. Don’t tempt the Gods.
Karen, as others have noted, it’s possible to pass a stress test and have a coronary event shortly thereafter. Tim Russert passed his stress tests just fine, shortly before his death. They can be useful for determining whether symptoms are due to coronary blood flow problems, so it might indeed be useful for you since you’re having some, but they can also be falsely reassuring.
You might want to discuss with your doctor the possibility of also having a CT heart scan (not a CT coronary angiogram, which exposes you to much more radiation and therefore shouldn’t be used as a screening-level tool). A heart scan measures calcium in your arteries; because calcium is a major component of coronary plaque, this test can therefore tell you how much plaque you’ve got and where it is. It correlates much more accurately with actual risk, and therefore won’t either scare you unnecessarily or reassure you that there’s no problem when there is.
This sounds better.
Well I just scheduled my CT of my sinuses today, something I was told to do about 5 years ago. I avoid tests at all costs, but this chronic sinus infection this year is doing me in, so one test down, and many more to go. Tuesday is the CT of the head, fred
stress, mamography, and colonoscopy, ahhh 50 is hitting hard
I had a sinus operation and the immediate result was that I developped diabetes. I could breath normally for 6 months and then it was worst than before the operation.
if CT scan warrants surgery not sure I will follow through unless they find a polyp
My brother had surgery in slovakia in the 60’s and he claims it was a success. Mine was a real failiure. And the pain! An order of magnitude more than when it cut my leg open with a circular saw. The CIA could use that to find out everything. at least if we had it done or redone we can get double diabetes.
Chronic sinus infection no fun either and sleep apnea bad for diabetes and heart and everything else.
I have had atrial fibbrillation at times never remember it being painful. Pain is more like angina or possibly other heart problems.
Scary but not harmful unless you have a stroke which my former boss did. Blood thinner may be a good idea under atrial fibrillation since the blood stagnates a bit when the heart is not beating properly and may coagulate. Former boss had some sort of pacemaker installed to control his atrial fib which go to be really bad., if you are interested I could find out more. I have ignored mine and it does not happen often once every few years. Low BG does not seem to trigger it being too tired does. I swallow a gulp of air when I feel it going into atrial fib and it sems to stop it. no kidding weird but true.
I do have a heart condition, cardiomyopathy. Stress tests can miss things, so echo’s are better. I have chest pains at times that go into my neck and jaw and squeeze like crazy where you would think it’s like a heart attack, but it’s not angina, all my artery’s are clear. I forget what I read somewhere but it described the pains, I think(you’re gonna laugh) it was gas. My husband also has a pacemaker because he had bad A-fib. good luck