Thanks Super_sally!
Just read your comment in birth stories post. Thank you for all the info!
Thanks Super_sally!
Just read your comment in birth stories post. Thank you for all the info!
Well we got home from the hospital last night with our Rachel. She was born via c-section (due to beinging breech) June 7th. She was 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long. So not the typical huge diabetic baby. My A1c ranged from 5.8 at conception to a 5.3.
Rachel's blood sugars were 53 at birth (normal for an infant) and did dip to 38 at one point. They allowed me to breast feed her in recovery, although hospital policy (if suagrs are below 40) is that she had to go to the floor nursery for observsations. Once she had 2 normal suagrs spread 1 hour apar they would move her back to the room. Her enxt sugar was a 61 and the one after that she was a 65. From there on she got to stay in my room.
I wore both my pump and CGM during the delivery as well as throughout my recovery. My husband was allowed to bring my meter, and dexcom receiver into the OR and he could also work my pump if needed. My blood sugars ranged between 84-115 during the surgery. My endo gave me temporary settings for delivery day and suggested setting for post delivery with the expectation that I would likely need to tweak them.
I had to set my basals to 60%. I was weird and my basals consitently dropped throughout my pregnancy although my carb ratios and sensitivity did get "worse." so they could not just go back to my prepregnancy settings as I would be taking MORE insulin.
Hope the info helps.
Congratulations! Glad that everything went so well! Get lots of rest and enjoy this special time with Rachel!!
Thanks Kristin.
I have to say that I have delivered all three of my girls all at different gestational stages. That been said all because i started to have complications once i got to the last 8 to 6 weeks of the pregnancy. My ob always refered me to a ob that dealt with higg risk pregnancies, just because she really had much experience with diabetics and as a second set of eyes to double check the baby. I know that the nurses never ask for a bg reading, only urine and when it came time for me to do the glucose tolerance they totally skipped it, because they all knew i had diabetes.... so that is weird.
But, every doctor works different and they all have their ways. If you get to the 38 or so weeks and you develop any issues, and they suggest to get a ambnio, of course ask, but if you want to clear any concerns do it. and I will tell you what my high risk said to me with my last DD "If everything is well and you go into labor after having the ambnio, we will deliver a baby, it is not as complicated as if it was early in the pregnancy"
As far as the BG during the labor it would be check by the nurses, because the ob has to write on your chart that you are diabetic! That is been my experience at the hospital, but again it is all different. I know that since i wore the pump I was in charge of that, because my endo did not work at the hospital i deliver, so my ob just wrote the orders for insulin in case i need it if my sugar went too high.
I agree, put up a fight, compromise, tell your ob that you'll do as many non stress tests as she wants but that you're not willing to be induced at 38 weeks. Ou ob let us go to 40 weeks before inducing-baby was born perfectly healthy at 40 + 2 weeks. If we get pregnant again I'll be giving birth in Canada (first baby was born in the US) I have no idea what it will be like but I WILL NOT let them induce me at 38 weeks, don't care what they say (unless there's some other complications of course...)
Thanks Shannon! My doctor finally agreed to let me go to 40 weeks and then we will discuss next steps. You said your baby was born "at 40 + 2 weeks", do you mean you were allowed to wait up to 42 weeks? I am concerned that I am 39 weeks now, and my last exam 2 days ago showed that I am not dilated at all and just a bit effaced.
I just realized that 40+2 weeks is 40 weeks and 2 days :)
yes, it was 40 weeks plus 2 days :) I ended up being induced then, I think my doctor would have let me go a few days more if I had pushed-maybe :)
Thank you Sharon! I have an appointment with my OB at 40 weeks and 1 day, so there is a chance she can let me go a bit longer unless it happens earlier :)
Did you have any signs of labor or did you feel anything at all before your induction date?
I had a lot of contractions before I went in. By the time I went for the induction I was exhausted from being kept up at night with contractions! That was partly why I didn’t fight the induction anymore. It turned out that her head never engaged which is why labor never progressed and I ended up with a c-section. Having contractions beforehand doesn’t mean much, I think induction is more successful if you start with your cervix a little dilated. I was completely closed when I went in…