Induction and D

Hey all! I’m nearing the end of my pregnancy (35 weeks - whoah!). After an extremely healthy pregnancy, my doctors are starting to talk to me about a possible induction (which was a surprise to me). At the very latest, I understand that they don’t want diabetic women to go past their due date and would induce before then (possibly at 39 weeks). However, I’ve also been warned that many people experience placental aging/decay due to insulin use (I really don’t understand this at all) and are induced as early as 37 weeks.

Anyone know anything about this? Everyone has insulin, whether they need more (like me) or have enough on their own – why would that cause the placenta to give up?

If you experienced a D pregnancy, what did your doctors suggest for you? I really want to experience spontaneous labor and fear everything I’ve heard about pitocin…

Mostly just looking for some D birth stories. Thanks!

Congratulations on your healthy and almost done pregnancy! Keep in mind my pregnancies were about 20 years ago. Back than with my first, my high risk OB planned a c-section 2 weeks early due to placenta issues that arise in women with diabetes. My little girl decided she didn’t want to wait and water bag broke 3 weeks early and I labored for 18 hours. Nothing happening so we did the c-section that was planned. 5 years later with my son, same medical team and same plan. 4 weeks before due date, major lows, so they thought the placenta was going so again we did a c-section. Sorry to say I don’t know what the norms are now, but I do know many women with diabetes delivery healthy babies to term. Remember it is your pregnancy and you have a say it what happens. Listen to what the reasons for the decisions, ask lots of questions and do what you honk is right for you and your baby. Can’t wait to hear the good news! A short labor experience is always a good thing and I’m hoping for that for you if that is e way you and your team go. Good luck!

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congrats on a healthy pregnancy and a new baby! wishing you a smooth delivery. if you get an answer to this question from your doctor or another source, would you post it here? i’m really curious about this too. also, i wonder if they just plan to induce D women because of these known issues OR if they look for specific proof of the issues in a specific woman before inducing her. i sure hope it’s the second one. let us know how it goes for you and again: congrats and good luck!

So far, no news! I will definitely update here when I find out. So far, everything seems to be “play it by ear.” I’m waiting for my next growth ultrasound, which is in just over a week. The nurses, however, keep referring to my induction, though nothing has been scheduled yet!

I will say that they always ask me if my insulin needs have decreased suddenly. Apparently, that is a sign that the placenta is aging. Normally in pregnancy, you would expect insulin needs to stay the same or increase until birth. That’s the big warning sign I’m supposed to look out for.

Yes it is a big warning sign and I had that sign with my son. I was 4 weeks out and all of a sudden started running low. Everyone on my team was on high alert and when I saw my OB he said if the next morning the blood sugars were again running low, we would have to check out the baby with ultrasound. Next morning low again, we rushed in, had the ultrasound and amino to see if his lungs were ready, he was and happily we delivered a healthy baby boy. But I must say those few days before were a little unnerving! I just suggest watching the blood sugars and keep the communication open with your team. Even though both my children were delivered c-section, it was the best thing. Both were perfect and I made it through with no problems. Pregnancy is just like diabetes, what works for me, might not work for you. Good luck and can’t wait to hear all the great news!

@Sally7 when that happened to you, did you notice that a precipitous change in your insulin requirements? Or a gradual leveling off? I’m having a hard time finding answers about what kind of change, exactly, I should be looking for. Thanks!

So wish I could remember. All I remember was fighting the highs during that last trimester was challenging. So when the lows started happening, I called both my endo & OB. That was when the possibility of the placenta failing did actually come into play. I am sure due to the lows we changed pump settings, but I really couldn’t tell you how much. But like I said the concern was pretty obvious with both doctors and there wasn’t any thinking. I called my endo the next morning with another low and was told to report to the hospital right away. Happy to say everyone worked out great but was a little unnerving. Again, can’t wait to hear the good news. Good luck!


I felt like my insulin needs have been decreasing, so I went in for some monitoring today. They’re going to keep an eye on me, since nothing was too drastic.

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Sounds like they are watching you closely, so that’s great. Just keep testing and anything that is strange or different let them know. No matter he time. It’s their job to be there for you! Good luck and can’t wait to hear the great news!

I am only in my 2nd trimester but already discussed this with my team and they will
Individualize it, meaning close monitoring at the end of pregnancy, but barring any issues (placental problems, preeclampsia, macrosomnia, etc) they see no reason not to treat me as a regular patient. It is my understanding that those studies are quite outdated and back then control in the study subjects definitely wasn’t as good as many have today. My a1c is currently 5.4 so I feel like if my BG levels are normal I should not need to be treated as if they are abnormal (just monitored to make sure all is ok). I will be adamant I think on going until if not past my due date and avoiding unnecessary interventions barring any actual complications (such as those mentioned above) and my medical team is on board with that.