Confessions of a Carboholic!

Hi Deborah. I guess what it comes down to is that we have to do what works for "us". As other's have said on here.....everyone is different and what might work for me may not work for you and vice versa. I have never been in this position before......I did low carbs way earlier in my life because I "wanted" to....not because I felt I "had" to do something!! It is the easiest thing for me to do at this point rather than do "nothing!". I have so many health issues that it's very hard for me to put together a you mentioned scrambled eggs....I LOVE them.....but I can't have REAL eggs because of the cholesterol....I have to use egg substitute which is expensive.....and I have to admit they just are not like a REAL egg!! I've tried brown rice and I hated it. lol My stomach won't tolerate a lot of salad or veggies for more than a couple days in a as you can see, I'm kinda stuck. I'm tired of going through life with an upset I am developing some IBS issues now as well. It should be funny but it's not. I am not a breakfast person, never have been, so it's a cup of decaf coffee in the morning with a piece of toast or english muffin, etc. and that's it.

It's nice to meet you and it certainly sounds like you have "your plan" together for you. :) I wish you the best with it. Happy New Year.

Hi Jan......I would love to know because that is when my problems started!! I say I think they did something to my thyroid as well but it's been checked so many times that I can't even count! I had mine out when I was 5 also in '57.....yes, the thing to do. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. I was always "chubby" and picked on all of the time in school. I never knew what it was like to be a "normal" sized kid.

It's nice to meet you Jan. Thanks for your comment. Happy New Year! :)

Hi Kathyann......thank you very much. Any sort of diet or change in eating habits is very hard. I hate to say diet because it needs to be a lifestyle change. We sure are all different.

Happy New Year! :)

Hi Pam, whenever I hear something about IBS issues and stomach aches, I automatically think, Have you considered the possibility of Celiac Disease? If that's the problem or part of the problem, it's easily corrected simply by going gluten free.

Hi Trudy, I kind of doubt that.....I think it's a family trait and is due to nerves. I have a friend who got very sick and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her until somehow she realized that she was gluten intolerant so now she has to be on a gluten-free diet.

Let's not give me another illness to deal with!! LOLOL :P hehe J/K Thank you for your input. ;)

Yes true. Lots to think about too. Hmmm, I'll have to check out that lo-carb zucchini bread although I hate to cook or bake anymore......I used to love it but now it's hard for me to stand for very long because of lower back/hip pain and now my right foot is acting up. But maybe I can talk someone into making it for me! lol I am also on a very limited income since I'm on disability and the state just cut back on my food stamps since we finally got our raise in SS that we were supposed to get 3 years ago!! If you get a raise they ALWAYS take something away from you. I think they should have a special rate for people who HAVE to be on a special diet but it doesn't work that way. If you have 3 or 4 children and are 21 then you can get all kinds of benefits. But I won't go there...........I said in another post I should have said that I'm a starchaholic instead of a carboholic......everything in my house right now is starchy or has quite a bit of carbs. I can't afford to buy meat because it's just too expensive and I need more protein than carbs. It's definitely NOT easy to be on a fixed income with so many different issues of diet. There's so much more that I can't eat than what there is. What I should be able to buy I can't because of my I'm just between a rock and a hard place. **sigh**

Blessings to you too.

Hi Pam. Rereading your thread, I still think that allergies could be a problem for you. I have Celiac, but I also can't eat corn or soy. It's a bit challenging to figure out the allergy/intolerance problem (s), if there is one, but it's possible through eliminating one food at a time for maybe two weeks or more to see if you feel better. I'd sure start with gluten! Can you handle dairy? If there is a gluten problem, lactose intolerance usually accompanies it.

Getting more protein inexpensively is challenging also. I'm probably not going to say anything that you don't already know, but anyway... Beans and lentils are also good and inexpensive when you start with them from scratch, but as incomplete proteins need something like corn in your diet with them. Bean and lentil soup can have a little meat in them to make them quite tasty and be more complete. Yogurt can be bought in large containers, and can often be eaten even when you have a lactose problem (Greek-style yogurt has the most protein). You've probably already thought of buying meat in bulk and freezing it to spread out the pieces over time. Are you sure that you can't have eggs? I've read that the cholesterol in eggs does not translate to a cholesterol problem for the eater.

I hope there was something helpful in there. At any rate, I wish you the best -- Happy New Year!

I was 93 before lunch. I took 1 unit for each3 grams, ate 16, took 5 u Hum and I'll be 93 - 130 over the next hour. I like low-deviation. The carbs I take do not include processed food very often, nor do they include starches/bagels/pizza/pasta. Choosing the food is as important as allotting grams that won't spike you higher than 140 any where along the way. Of course I find I can take 1/4 of a square of white chocolate, 4 grams, whenever, so I'm a happy camper.

Hi how are you? Well everybody is different. What works for someone else might not work for you. So I would suggest one thing - my husband has a nutritionist that help him set up a eating plan (based on carb intake) that might help.