Hi I’m looking into getting a pump this year! i dont even know WHAT things i should be considering and what questions i should be asking.
At this point i’m leaning towards Animas because it’s waterproof- i am often at the beach or pool. I’m very active and dont want the pump getting in my way.
I do know that i want a pump that i can “hide” as much as possible.
Do you have any advice? What are the pros and cons of your pump?
Thank you!
Picking a pump is hard! I just picked my 4th pump and it took me a month to really pick the one I wanted (but its in the mail! I am so excited!). Your NUMBER ONE question should be to your doctor. Ask what pumps they can work with. I switched to a pump that my doctor knew how to use, even recommended it, however his staff had barely a clue how to download my numbers. So just watch for that.
Smart choice going with waterproof. Just food for thought though… where are you going wear it? You mention being able to hide your pump. Mine often hides in my bra or underwear. Mine is currently not waterproof so I have to take it off to swim. I wouldnt even know where to put it when I swim. So get your hands on some demos from your doctor and really get a feel for the pump.
Congrats on the pump though. You will love it! It does take some time getting used to. I have worn one for 12 years and I love the freedom it gives me.
The best advice that I can give you is to call all the companies and see if they will send a representative to your home or to your doctors office. Often you can meet with the rep and see the pump in your own hands. Or go to a diabetes support group and see them.
In my experience, everyone loves THEIR pump best. And I think that all of the pumps are good-- with some different advantages and disadvantages. Search in the forum for the pumps that you are interested in by name and you will fight lengthy comparisons (sometimes even fights) about which is better. They might be informative!
You should figure out what pump will have the most support available to you, and what the replacement policy will be where you are at. =) I think you can’t go wrong with the Animus or MM!
I use the One Touch Ping by Animas and it is good for the reasons you were concerned about; it’s waterproof, which makes showering and swimming very easy, and it’s also very easy to conceal it and remotely deliver insulin for meals using the meter. Ive found myself eating at fancy restaurants, jacket required, and also at dinner parties, and even fast food restaurants, testing blood glucose and bolusing without ever raising an eye. People most likely assume its a PDA or a cellphone. Ive also swam in very cold lakes and taken hot showers with it between the legs and it is still working flawlessly. Hope I can be of help, and good luck!
Another thing you will have to decide on is the infusion set. I first tried the Insets that were shown at the pump training and did not like them at all. They have alot of extra plastic and seem to involve an unecessary mechanical device that failed to insert the cannula properly nearly 50% of the time. So I went for the Contact Detach, which is a metal cannula which works for me for several reasons. For one I am rather slim; not alot of body fat, and also I am so used to injections (20+ years,) that I prefer sticking myself, and not relying on a plastic contraption. Also it has two spots that stick to your skin, so that if the pump swings to the ground or gets caught on a door, there is no tension or pull on the infusion site, only on the detach site, which is a several inches before the infusion site.
I alternate the Contact Detach with the Comfort Short, which is made of teflon, is slightly longer, and is designed to go in at an angle, manually. The metal needle is retractable, leaving only the teflon, and I use it in the abdomen primarily. So these are some other things you will have to decide, and hopefully you will not have to go through too much trial and error in regards to the infusion sets, but you can get samples from Animas, and other companies I believe, if you ask.
I actually got a few weeks supply from my CDE of the Contact Detaches in the beginning of my pump therapy, as I was having such inconsitencies with the Insets, and I needed something in the interim until I could replace them.
I found the the Insets were kinking quite a bit, so I found my preferred method to be short straight metal sets, and short angled teflon, both manually inserted. One other thing is that teflon sets leave a large mark that take a bit longer to heal, perhaps due to my body’s sensitivity.
Despite this, I must say that pumping is far superior to injections. The difference between 5-7 daily injections or more and one insertion every three days is itself a major improvement, not to mention improved BG and A1c’s.
As in many things you ask for advice from others who are using the product(s) you are interested in and then bump that against your particular needs. From what I have seen, all the pumps do virtually the same things.
Basal rate delivery with more than one profile.
Temporary basal rate
Bolus delivery
Extended/Multiwave Bolus (great for those parties/holidays that have extended eating periods, and certain foods)
Alarms for various pump conditions/errors
From there you begin to see the variations. Getting the reps to physically show you their pumps is a great way to go. In the past, I have shown my pump and all the in/outs to diabetics considering the pump, so if there is a pumper in your area that might help, too.
For me, it really boiled down to one “feature”. Accu-chek offered the Spirit with a 180-day back-up pump. Since I travel and spend most of my time in areas with really pitiful mail/express delivery services, there was no question for me.
take your time choosing the right pump
because you are probably going to be stuck with it for at least 4 years
you should look for things that you need
for example,if you are hypo unaware,you may go with medtronic for the cgm
in your case,waterproof may down the choices only to omnipod and animas
and dont forget rading pumping insuline,it has a whole chapter aout choosing the right pump
hpe it helps ^.O
holy crap mike ive never even heard of extended/multiwave boluses and profiles etc!
accu-check sounds good with the 180 day back up pump- do they just lend it to you for the 180 days when you travel?? how does that work?
Accu-chek (aka Disetronic USA) offered the back-up as an option which I selected. So when I received my Spirit pump, I also received an identical pump that will run for 180 days. When not in use I have the back-up stored in a case with the battery removed.
The extended bolus (mini-med calls it something different) tells the pump to give a bolus over an extended period of time. For example, if I go to a cocktail party where I might be snacking for an hour and I think I will have 60g carbs, I can tell the pump to give me 4 units over that hour.
The multiwave is similar (again - mini-med has a different name), but it let’s you bolus more initially. For the same example, if I know that 15g of the carbs are going to be eaten right away, I can tell the pump to give me 1 unit initially and then 3 units over the hour. I use the multiwave for pizza or pasta dishes.
I cannot emphasize enough Saya’s comment below - take your time and establish your own set of important pump features since you will be stuck w/the decision for at least 4 years. I have heard many women HATE being tethered to a tube style pump and HATE the fact that women’s fashions (including sports clothing) make it hard to wear a pump.
Other pumps offer CGM, while others offer “calculators” and/or "controllers’ that help you determine bolus amounts. Of course, CGMs can be added but not necessarily integrated with the pump. Omnipod is tubeless, but has its own issues.
I think most pump companies will give you a back up pump while you travel. I had this with Cozmo (now out of business). It is great to have.
What makes Accu-chek unique is that they actually send two pumps to all their customers. I know from Cozmo, I had to request this and they send the back up pump just before my trip.
The only reason that I did not consider Accu-chek is that they do not have a bolus calculator built into the pump. They have a separate device that you need to carry to calculate your bolus. They bolus calculator is an INCREDIBLY useful feature in my opinion!
To the best of my knowledge, Medtronic is the only pump with built in CGM. But you might want to try to be a three day trial of the CGM (some doctors offices offer this), as not every prefers this CGM. People’s experiences vary a lot. Some good, others not.
Hi Heather, My 6 yo old uses the OmniPod which has worked out well for swimming. He swims daily. However, I don’t think it would meet your “hide” preference, at least with regard to swimming.
I am an Animas Ping wearer and agree with what has already been said by gw. The Ping does not have CGM built in but it does work with another system. The only other factor that I would add is the size of the reservoir. The Ping is 2 ml and the MM is 3 ml. So depending on your daily needs that may be important. My needs require me to refill my reservoir after 2 days even though the infusion set stays in for 3 days. Ping also has extended bolus which are helpful. I have found Animas service to be very good as well. Finally, the Animas pump has a computer program that is real good to chart your readings and to bring with you to the endo. Good Luck
alright, so i now have a CGM on me. the medtronics salesman put it on me 2 days ago. he and i talked for 2.5 hours about pumps.
i am 90% sold on the medtronic pump because the CGM is built right in. this is perfect for me because i can program it to alert me if my blood sugar gets below or above a certain leve at nightl. that would be great becuase i live alone and almost didnt make it a couple times due to low blood sugar.
so my question is, is there any other system that works like that with other pumps? i dont prefer to carry around a pump AND a CGM reader. is there anything comparable??
Hi Heather. I have been using an Animas 2020 for over a year now - and I have been quite happy with the control (for the most part) I sometimes wear the pump on the inside of my jeans with a case called an “invisapump”. ( www.invisapump.com ) You would also have the option of a bra strap and this would work well with the new Animas PING. Good luck deciding.
I have the Accu-Chec Spirit, I was told by my Diabetes team that I wouldn’t be given a spare pump, mainly due to the fact that people weren’t needing them so it was too expensive to continue, I don’t know if it’s different depending on where you live though. I was told that if my pump stopped working, and I needed a replacement, I was to ring the number they gave me and I’d have a new pump within 24-36 hours.
I’ve been an Animas wearer myself for about 5 years. About 6 months or so ago, I upgraded to the OneTouch Ping which syncs with the same-named glucometer. It’s perfect for hiding because you can operate the pump from the glucometer…and as someone else already mentioned, it has some pretty neat analysis functions to review your bloodsugars with your doc. It came with a case to wear on your belt, but I just stick it in my bra. No one but me knows it’s there. When I got this one, I decided on it because I wasn’t yet comfortable with the MM CGM. I read a lot about the readings being off so I decided that for me, it was best to stick to the regular old manual process of testing, but that’s a personal choice for you to decide.
I would never get a tubed pump again. The OmniPod is in a class by itself as far as easy of use, the ability to wear anywhere including swimming. It is easy to hide even under a bikini. Just how do you hide 43" of tubing when swimming plus a pump. The OmniPod is only 43% by volume the size of other pumps not including the catheter and tubing. I guarantee you I spend less than 25% of the time I did with other generation pumps using the OmniPod. As you can tell I just love the 4 years I’ve been on it. Clearly the easiest 4 years out of the 54 years I’ve been a T1, Andy