Coping with the pump

I’ve had the pump for a few weeks now and I’m happy to say its going really well.
My average blood sugar according to the pump is around 15, I know its still high but the main thing is I am taking insulin with every meal now. It feels weird, I almost feel gulity that i am letting myself down. I know this is good for me and its what I need to do but its sooo hard. Part of me just wants to say enough, hand the pump back and go back to how I was.
But the other part of me sees all the good things, my and my family actually get along alot better because I dont have the mood swings and I’m not as snappy. i feel better in myself, and now if I dont calculate my insulin right and my bms end up above 20 I feel soo bad and soooo ill. this is weird because this is what i was running at all the time but I never felt as bad because my body got used to it. I’m glad I’m not used to it anymore because it makes me want to give myself the insulin just so I can feel better.
I’m also not as tired, which I am very happy about. I was tired and sluggish all the time but now I dont mind getting up early for work.

If your BG is 15 all the time, I would take more insulin. I’m perhaps not the best example b/c I am sort of an insulin crackhead and kind of like the buzz of BG on the edge but if your BG is running high all the time, I would think you need to crank up the basal and push the carb ratios up a bit. If you don’t want to do it w/o a doctor, that sort of makes sense but my impression has always been that that sort of blood sugar should be savagely beaten up. I think that the pump is the best truncheon to let’er rip with too.

15 mmol/L <=> 270 mg/dL just for the record. The problem is that your body is still running out of insulin. It will still burn some fat to survive. I highly recommend to return to normal glucose levels which means normal insulin levels. Your body will gain weight for sure. This is a natural response to times of starvation. It is just a preparation for the next period of starvation. The key is that your body has to learn that there will be sufficient insulin and carbs in the future. If this has been experienced by your body for a period of time then your weight will improve again. No necessity to keep deposits when crisis is not about to happen - your body will find the right balance after a while. The best thing would be to increase your physical activity at the same time as you normalize your insulin dosage. It improves the sensitivity to insulin so you need less. Sport on regular basis will also build up muscle mass. This will increase the basal metabolic rate so you burn more energy and this will make it less likely to build up deposits. It is important to get out of this vicious cycle of insulin increase > weight gain > insulin decrease > starve to normal weight > insulin increase and so forth. Insulin is not meant to control you weight. It is needed and with normal health you would have nothing at hand to control it. Insulin would just be released as your blood glucose dictates. So please seek for other healthy ways and have some patients with your body - it all needs time to adjust…

As I have explained in my previous posts I am suffering/recovering slightly from Dibulimia, I know my BMs are still higher then they should be but I should of mentioned that these averages are a 5 week average, I’m having alot more good days of my BMS being lower then 12 then I am bad days, but the bad days crank my average up a little.
BMs are still higher then idea but before the pump they were constantly over 20mmol/Ls so I am improving, I’m just taking it one step at a time.