hello to all my friends of tud residing in america,i just wanna know from your side that what is the cost of INSULIN in AMERICA…plz reply ASAP bcoz i m moving to america in the next few days…
In America, many people have insurance which pays “much” of the cost of insulin. If you have to pay for insulin on your own, you can buy Relion Brand NPH (intermediate) and R (“rapid”) at Walmart for $24/10mL vial. If you have a prescription, you can get modern insulins like Lantus and Humalog for about $100/10mL vial. The end cost to you will really depend on your situation. Should you have a job or be a student, you would typically find that some or most of the cost of medications would be covered by insurance. In my case, I pay a co-pay of about $30 for each prescription/month.
thanks for ur reply bsc… i just wanna know that in america can i get the insulin named ‘human mixtard’ which is manufactured by NOVO NARDISK. and if yes then what is its cost for 10 ml vial…
According to Express Scripts Annual Drug Trend report, spending on insulin in the U.S. is up significantly over the last 10 years, and the company indicates that increased utilization is NOT the major factor behind the increased spending, but more costly, patent-protected insulin analogues which cost insurance companies more, in spite of the fact that EVERY major meta-analysis undertaken have raised questions as to whether analogues really deliver better glycemic control (most suggest no major benefit in spite of the increased cost). While it is true that most people have insulin paid for (at least partially) by private insurance, patients costs due to higher co-pays and deductibles have increased an average of 7% each year according to the Kaiser Foundation. Also, ~48 million Americans have no insurance coverage, even though many work full time. This is why the U.S. Healthcare reform legislation in Congress is being followed so closely. Generic “follow-ons” have been delayed for years thanks to Congressional inaction … see my blog posts here and here for details.
The brand names are not the same in the U.S. but Novo Nordisk does sell some pre-mixed insulin varieties, do you have the generic name?
The term “human mixtard” is a hiliarious term for insulin mix. I’ll have to remember that. Thanks. Relion is a generic brand produced by Novo Nordisk and is “exactly” the same as their Novolin brand insulins. Walmart sells the Relion brand 70/30 (NPH/R) mix for $24/10mL vial as well and this is the same as Novolin 70/30 mix.
ps. Human mixtard is old school. Have you given some thought to a basal/bolus regime?
i dont know what is hilarious in human mixtard,that u r thinking …anyway thanks for ur reply,hope u would have given me the right information …
Well, I looked this up. You are entirely correct. As an American, I thought since I knew the names of insulin brands in America I surely knew the world. Shows me. “Human Mixtard” is the standard term in India as well as the UK. I really have to get out more.
You can look up information on the Relion brand insulins at www.relion.com.
Hate to tell you this, but my insulin only costs $15 per month until I have fulfilled about $400 in prescription costs per year. Then all my prescriptions are free … except for Tier 3 drugs, which are $35/ea. no matter when I get them filled. It’s called having great insurance coverage. I am on Medicare but I also have a Part D drug coverage through my former employer. I know this doesn’t help you and you may feel horrid after you hear it. Sorry.
Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI
Hi. I don’t know if this will help you at all, but my Humalog (without insurance) costs $150 per month. I use the KwikPens (A vial of insulin attached to a syringe) and it comes 5 Pens per box. 5 Pens lasts me one month.
I also take Levemir in KwikPen form. That (without insurance) costs $248 per month.
Because I have a full time job that offers insurance, I chose to use it and I only pay $25 per month for EACH prescription.
I’m not familiar with Human Mixtard. However, I know that lot of the Novo Nardisk insulins are much cheaper than what I have to use. Most can be found at any pharamacy and some are even in the Walmart pharmacies.
thanks 4 ur reply miss marps…hope u will further help me in giving me more information …thanks and bye
The cost varies with what insurance company you are with or if you are self pay. I think we pay about $70 a month for Humalog. Will you have healthy insurance when you move here?