Dialysis and Diabetes #10
Well this little blog post is way overdue. Post #9 was entered on June 9th and here it is July 15th. Where has the month plus gone?
I call this blog post dialysis and diabetes but I never seem to talk about the diabetes side of things. So let me rectify that right up front in this post.
I went to see my endo this past Friday (Friday the 13th no less) and I got some really good news. Not only had I lost 34 pounds my A1c was 5.4!
Looking back at my log over the last 3 months I don't see how I could have an A1c that low but who am I to argue with success.
The doctor also stopped my byetta. I don't really agree with the decision. They are taking me off it because it is contraindicated for people in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Even though I have been in ESRD for quite some time and still took the drug the doctors (2 out of 2 with the kidney doctor refusing to vote) are not sure how this the drug will act with me on dialysis. I told them I was doing really well with it but for some reason they refused to take that as an FDA approved drug trial :). So I have stopped the byetta and started a new drug called Tradjenta.
The doctor gave me some samples to try and as I was sitting in the restaurant eating lunch after the appointment I read the drug information the doctor had provided. Item number three on the list of information caught my eye. They have not studied this drug and its interaction with insulin. What? I guess I am doing a drug study after all. Or is Lantus not considered insulin? The doctors office closes early on Friday so they were already gone when I learned this little piece of information. Needless to say there will be a call to the office on Monday.
Now as to the dialysis, all is going well. There seems to be no effect on my BG levels as a result of sitting in that chair three times a week.
I have learned to take the time in "the chair" as a time to rest. My treatments are still four hours long. I sleep for a couple, surf the web with my iPad and watch some TV. Each chair has its own tv. All they have is basic cable but it is something to pass the time.
I also spend a lot of time there asking questions. How does the machine work? How is my treatment time and settings determined? When will my fistula be ready for use? The nurses and technicians who run my treatment have actually asked their bio-technician to spend some time with me because they can't answer some of my questions about the internal workings of the dialysis machine. Even though I have only been there for six weeks I the staff is treating me as an "old hand" at sitting in that chair. There have been times where I have caught errors and problems before they became a real issue. I even downloaded the operator's manual for the machine I am hooked up to so I know what all the settings are.
So live goes on. Like insulin this is but one more thing that I have to do to survive.
I would again like to thank all of those who read my posts. I hope they help in some way. Writing them certainly helps me.