Day two with my personal trainer

Tomorrow is day two with my trainer. After the first day I’ve already had to decrease my insulin. I would like feedback from other seasoned fitness gurus who can tell me how fast they had to decrease there insulin on their pumps and how did they gage the decrease? ( I know I spelled that wrong! )

Hey Renka. Good for you! I think personal trainers can be a really great resource. I'm not an exercise guru myself, but I know that I have to decrease my insulin at least slightly almost any time I exercise hard (although of course if it's REALLY hard and adrenalin gets involved I may actually have to increase it). For me the effect can carry over into the next day, sometimes, but if I don't exercise for a few days my insulin needs rise.

It's "gauge":) (And it's also miraculous that I know that)

There's a good chart in "Think Like a Pancreas" that I know is online but I haven't been able to find so I took a pic of it:

It correlates the duration and intensity and gives you an adjustment factor. I usually turn mine off a couple miles (15-18 minutes...) from home to "cover" the adrenaline boost or whatever makes it go up when I'm done. It is totally worth it to get the book as there's useful, explanatory text that goes along with the chart.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Too day was my third workout with my trainer. After the second workout I came home and threw up! It didn’t help that I was sick in the ER on we’d (I saw him on fri) so today was much better. Emily, thanks for the reminder that it can go up and acid rock thanks for the chart, it reminded me that my nurse provided me a chart when I got my pump! I’m glad I’m back on the net and looking for support! It’s very important…it’s funny that we know so much that sometimes we forget and we just need reminders from our fellow diabetics! Thanks so much! Xoxo