I’m looking into different pump types and came across the Omnipod, which I find appealing mostly because it is tubeless. I’m currently also using a Dexcom G5 (waiting to upgrade to G6). Can I use my Dexcom readings to inform the Omnipod PDM about my BGs? To be clear, I’m not asking about integration (more on that below). I just don’t want to have to wear a Dexcom and also physically test my blood before I bolus at meal time – I’ve seen some Youtube videos of podders that wear Dexcom’s and also prick their fingers before each bolus, seems like an unnecessary step.
Also, I’ve been reading about upcoming integration between Dexcom and Omnipod, anyone know what that is about?
Thanks Tim35, what I’m asking is if Omnipod will only use blood readings from its supported meter. I understand that Omnipod works with its own blood testing machine in the PDM, I think it Accu-check (?) compatible. Do I have to use those blood test readings or, if I trust the Dexcom readings, can I use the readings from Dexcom? I hope my question is more clear. I obviously intend on asking these questions to my dr. but, curious what this group knows as there is so much info. here.
Yes, you can enter the bg from any source into the pdm for bolusing. The pdm will calculate the dosage based on that bg which you entered manually in the pdm, and your configured settings.
thanks everyone! I’ve put off the pump for a long time, had (and still do) have good control with manual injections, but about ready to take the leap to the pump.
Yes, as others have said, you can just manually enter the number from your Dexcom, or from a different meter, or do a BG test on the PDM. It calculates it all the same regardless of how you enter the BG value.
Good luck. However if you have good control, and have insurance, they may deny based on proof of being medically necessary. Your doctor should be able to help with insurance documentation.
This sounds like it’s about a CGM at first but it’s not. It’s about using them together!
I am on Omnipod and a Dexcom 6. I had been on a Libre sensor before the Dexcom. It just depends on you really. I have tended to be a lazy tester. Before CGM, I would test 3-6 times a day. With Libre once or twice the first day, but I would overlap the sensors for about 12 hours to help gauge how off the new one was so I knew and go from there.
I once read where someone had said you have to commit to the sensor when I had first started wearing the Libre sensor. And really they were right. That works for the Dexcom. You have to decide if you want to trust it.
So I tested and calibrated the Dexcom quite a few times when I first switched to it. By the second Dexcom sensor I tested it twice the first day and then about day 4? It’s off by about 5. I input the number it tells me into my Omnipod for dosing most of the time. Sometimes I just dose from what carbs I am eating. I am one that is quite ready to not finger stick unless I decide I really have to. I use the Dexcom number to bolus or make adjustments and rarely finger stick for days!
I absolutely love my Omnipod. It’s the only pump I have ever worn however, but I can’t see myself switching to a pump with tubes ever.
Rolling on it at night has never affected it for me, you just get in the water or shower with no preps or changes. You can wear it in a ton of different places, back of arm, legs stomach etc. Application is easy. I just put on a new pod every 3 days. And the programming is super easy. You can set different basal programs, just give yourself a bolus, input carbs for it to decide, different basal rates all day. Different carb ratios during the day, different corrections too. And easy to change anything you want to. I’m not sure about other pumps but I gather it’s not always easy to just decide to give yourself a bolus with no other input and the Omnipod does by just pushing a few buttons. Like I said I love it!
Marie, thanks! I’ve always had a bit of trepidation about transitioning to a pump, but deep down I know it’s probably the right move long-term.
Have you had any issues with scarring? I read about scar tissue as an issue with traditional tubed pumps, but I imagined that given the short (3 day) wear at a site that might be less of an issue with the Omnipod.
Our Endo asks at every visit if we are moving the pump infusion site every 3 days using a good pattern that gives each used site adequate time to fully heal before being used again.
AFAIK there is no difference among various pumps (Medtronic, Omnipod, Animas, Tandem, Roche, whatever) in terms of potential long-term damage to a site if the infusion set is left in place for more than 3 days.
Tim35 is right, you shift the site to lessen that possible issue. I go from one side to the other, top to bottom so to speak. I have a slight raised reddish area where the needle was inserted which goes away within hours of taking it off, and then a slight discoloration of the skin for about a day to sometimes a week.
At first I used to put a scar away oil on after I took it off and any mark would be gone within hours, but I got lazy and don’t anymore!
I do want to add, that I remember being hesitant at first. I especially was hesitant learning a different method while I was at work and pretty much had a system already down.
It is different and for me takes a lot less work than shots and a lot more control comes with it. Lets say you’re at 126, for a shot I wouldn’t bother correcting it. Or if I ate something with 5 carbs I wouldn’t bother with a shot for it. I used to add on extra to my bolus shot to make up for a 5-10 carb snack a couple of hours later…and then drop because I forgot to eat it.
With an Omnipod (I just don’t have a clue about other pumps) I can decide to give myself 1 1/2 units by a push of a button. Or I can tell my Omnipod my BG is 126 and let it calculate what it thinks I need per the settings I imputed. When I have 5 carbs, I just didn’t consider it worth the shot, but now a push of a button solves it.
The downside, you do get a little tied to your pump. I would forget about my BG more when I just gave shots with meals or maybe I was having a bad day and then might have been testing and correcting more. I remember telling my Endo’s NP that I seemed addicted to checking and adjusting with my new pump, new toy? And she said you have to find a happy median. I wouldn’t change having it and better control is obviously better for your health. I went from 6.9 A1C with higher insulin usage to 6.4 that’s much easier to control. I doubt for me at this point I will go lower as I have dawn phenomenon and I like to drop at night, but plenty of people here manage a lot lower A1C.
I have been wearing a Dexcom since Nov. 2012 and an Omnipod since May 2013. I started pumping after 38 years of MDI. I love both and just plug the numbers from my Dex into the PDM and let it do the math for me. I am anxiously awaiting the updated PDM which is a locked down android phone with no blood glucose meter integration. The current BG meter inside the PDM is out-dated technology using older Freestyle strips so its’ integration was never a selling point for me. But the new “Dash” with color touch screen and bluetooth technology is something I want to use.