Dexcom sensor vertical placement?

I know the instructions clearly say to place the sensor in a horizontal position, but they also say to use only the abdomen for sensor sites and many here ignore that and have great success on other parts of the body. So, can you also orient the sensor vertically?

I have, yes. No problem at all. For me, it really depends on where it is located. On the abdomen, it seems like it would get in the way of movement too much when vertical - not so much other places.

Vertically, on the back of the upper arm FTW! Best accuracy and stays put the longest.

Do you self-apply on these alternate sites like the back of the arm? I use my Omnipod on the back of my arms all the time, but it auto-inserts. It seems like it would be very awkward inserting the Dexcom sensor in that location.

There’s a video demo that shows how to do it single-handed. Not exactly easy but doable. I don’t have the link but the google machine is your friend.

I have yet to try it myself, but maybe with my next sensor…

either way works for me. The occasional diagonal on the back of my calf works no problem too!!

i do horizontal, vertical and on an angle, either up or down. i insert on my upper left thigh (where i have most meat) and get great accuracy and no problems pulling up or down my pants. i put the Tegaderm over the sensor tape (w/ a hole for the transmitter) and it really stays put in place.

yes. the video demo is very helpful if you want to place the sensor on your upper arm. check it out. perhaps MarieB knows the link. good luck and don’t be afraid to experiment; remember, we are all different and respond differently to different situations/placements/ lengths of sensor durations, etc.

This is a complete guess and total speculation, but I think what you want to focus on when choosing the site and orientation of your insertion is how stable the sensor probe is going to be. You want to insert with an eye towards disturbing the sensor probe underneath your skin as little as possible when your body flexes.

The basic design of the dexcom helps with this since it at the center of a large oval adhesive pad. But thinking ahead about how the sensor/transmitter will be tugged and pushed when your body flexes is IMO always a good thing to do. I think that is one reason why using a vertical orientation for an upper arm insertion makes much more sense than trying to go horizontal. Perhaps?

I use the back of my arms and always insert vertically. You can find the video on You Tube.

Started using Dexcom in February & pretty much every sensor I’ve worn has been vertical on the arm. The 2 sensors I’ve tried on the abdomen caused a rash.

This was the video that helped me with placement & insertion.

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Dexcom should provide Danica with free sensors for life for making this video.


I have been thinking of trying sensor placement on my arm but am wondering if it’s likely to get bumped much doing yoga or while sleeping. The one I am getting ready to change out on my abdomen is positioned just enough toward the side that I’ve had signal loss alerts when I am sleeping on that side (often with a cat curled up there, too).

I do mine farther underneath my arm than she does, so bonking it on things isn’t a problem. I did accidentally yank it out the first time I tried it when taking off a t-shirt. Just forgot it was there and the shirt snagged on it. But it’s funny how you develop a body-awareness of these things with time. I have far fewer yank-outs of my infusion site after the first 6 months or so as well. Just kinda get used to always checking.

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I’ll keep that in mind, thanks. So far, so good. And It’s more comfortable on my arm than on my abdomen–a very nice surprise.

Is there a reason arm placement should be on the back of the arm? I’d have to put it in my left arm but I sleep on my left side so I feel that would be an issue. Why not the front of the arm? Also thigh placement…how does that go with wearing jeans? I ride competitively and my riding breeches are SNUG but stretchy…could that possibly be an issue?