Diabetes and Alzheimer's Causality

Hi guys,
Hope everyone is well, long time no post on my part..
My diabetes has been pretty steady of late 6% HBA1c and minimal hypos, so I have tried to not focus on it so much and just keep with what I am doing..

I was attempting to focus on bringing my HbA1c down into the 5s, but was finding that diabetes was already taking up a huge part of my life. Sure I could have got into the 5s with a Bernstein approach to carbs and testing 10+ times a day, but for a now I am happy with the balance.

Anyway on to the crux of my post..

I have read a number of articles in the UK newspapers of late discussing the causality between Alzheimer's and Diabetes, with some individuals going as far as labelling Alzheimers "Type 3 diabetes"
I have seen Dementia close up, as I am sure many of you have and I cannot envisage many worse ways to go.

I am still youngish (28) and as you maybe to tell from the tone of this post a natural worrier :)

I thought it may be prudent to learn a little more about this subject area, see where the current science puts us in our understanding and perhaps take steps in the long term to minimise my chances of getting this disease.

So does anyone out there have any knowledge or information around this subject area?

Is it a concern to you? Are you taking any action to minimise your chances?

It looks like most of the existing research focuses on Type 2 diabetes, I am a Type 1 so would be keen to hear about that side of it too.

I am sure good control is key for us, as are the standard mental stimulation, exercise and a balanced diet.

Would be keen to hear the thoughts of other members.

From what I've read it is postulated that Alzheimer's is caused by insulin resistance, thus the link to T2. Here's an old post that discusses it.

This has not been studied in any detail, so we are left to formulate a response based on incomplete evidence. For T2's a ketogenic diet might help because under these conditions the brain will burn keytones doing an end run around the insulin resistance problem. For T1's avoiding insulin resistance by eating a diet that decreases insulin dosage and thus the possible development of insulin resistance might be prudent.

I'm pretty concerned about Alzheimer's, as I have it on both sides of my family. I'm not doing much particular about it although I read "Aging With Grace", about the "Nun Study" a few years ago and it might fuel my current exercise habits?