Does Anyone Here Have Diabetes-Related Memory Loss?

This morning on Diabetes News Hound we ran an article about Diabetic Ketoacidosis and its relationship to memory loss. You can read the article here: Diabetic Ketoacidosis Can Hurt Kids’ Memory .

Has anyone here had memory-loss issues related to their diabetes?


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I did the other day. I am so glad I had someone with me because I forgot who’s car I was In, nothing looked familiar. sad thing is we were in my car and I had my mom drive instead of me.

Being a T1 for 53 years, I may have been told this, but I don’t remember.

Haha. I have read about and experienced short term memory loss, moment to moment, asking the same question twice, etc. To the point of embarrassment a few times.

Yes, I think I do. Been type 1 for 20 years, pumping 4 months. 59 years of age. There are times I feel somewhat light headed but not really. This especially when I am stressed. Too much thrown at me to process or trying to do too much. Concentration is sometimes an issue. This seems to happen when my blood sugar has been high for a while or changing rapidly from one extreme to the other. My wife have noticed my trouble with rememering things said or details with instructions. This is difficult to describe as there are no specific patterns here to put my finger on. Needless to say, this is quite frustrating at times. My diabetic Dr. does not think it is related to diabetes. I disagree with her. There are lots of other “signs” or “feelings” that tells me that my blood sugar has been too high or not in good control. Just had an MRI today to check things out to be safe. Any thoughts on this, anyone?

I suspected that I might, so I went and had some neuro-psych testing done. Sadly, I had nothing to compare the results against except for some basic testing I had done when I’d joined the military and later Mensa. The upshot was that I scored lower in some higher functioning tests than I had in the previous rounds. More surprisingly, I scored much lower in the memory portions of the latest testing I’d had. I pointedly asked the neuro-psycch tester (a PhD) if there had been any studies done to validate my suspicions. He said that he’d not been able to find any that could demonstrate the correlation between hyper or hypoglycemia and the impact that it had on the brain - though that was aobut two years ago. It seemed to me that it was a no-brainer to look into the effects of varied glucose levels found in diabetics with the impact it had over the long term with the brain. I think that the chances are that it will be increasingly studied.

In his book, Dr. Bernstein talks about how many diabetics have short term memory problems. He says when they start to get better control, that is one of the first things to improve.