When we first went to diabetes camp everyone was making a big deal about calling someone a diabetic. It made since that someone should not be defined by their disease. It was not that big of a deal at the time but I made a choice be careful and not try to use the word diabetic to describe someone.
This year at camp everyone was using the term diabetic, calling themselves and everyone else a diabetic. I thought that it was interesting considering the big emphasis they put on not using the word at previous camps.
All my Life I have referred to myself as a Diabetic when in a related discussion. When push comes to shove, if I am in a bad situation and need Insulin/food or other medical care, People need to know that I am a Diabetic. Right to the point and they understand. I am offended by neither term since they both mean the same thing only in a different form. I am also Asthmatic, Artistic and Arthritic.
OH MY… I have the same issue… In my past I worked for a company that sold to “DIABETICS” but we were trained to say “People with Diabetes” becasue they said being called a Diabetic was offensive to some… WIERD I didn’t agree. I don’t mind the Diabetic term.
I hear ya… spend the time curing the disease so we can get rid of the term all together… oh wait, then what would happen to all the $$$ they make off “DIABETICS”… lol
i don’t find it offensive at all. however i did have a friend blow up at some once who tried to get my attention by saying “hey, diabetic girl”. she quickly snapped at him “she HAS a name”. i just turned around to see what he wanted.
I think I would be offended if someone called me “diabetic girl.” Then again, I would be offended if someone called me “tall girl” or “blue shirt girl!” I don’t mind the term diabetic- but it’s not my name.
Either term is okay by me. What really bugs me is people who say diabetic vs. normal. The opposite of diabetic is non-diabetic. The opposite of normal is abnormal. I am not abnormal but neither am I non-diabetic.
I’m not offended. I am a diabetic who has diabetes! Just as I am a fat woman. This is the obvious and just a label. I would only say to this “political cr**” that a spade is a shovel, a dog is a bowie, and I’m a diabetic with diabetes. I’m Not ashamed of the indication. And, if people are offended, then I am sorry and I don’t mean to use any derogatory terms but I’m not ■■■■■-footing around. I’m also handicapped! Is anyone offended by that? I’m not! If so, I won’t refer to them as “handicapped.” Let’s just all forget labels and love each other for who we are. Tomato - tomahto; potato - potahtoh, diabeetis - diabeteez!!!