I have always been a bit turned off by people referring to me as “diabetic”. For some reason I prefer being referred to as that guy who “has diabetes” as opposed to he’s “diabetic”. I suppose its no big deal really. I am curious to hear others thoughts on this.
yeah, tone is important! I prefer “person with diabetes” but only apply that rule to myself (as in, I don’t try to tell other PWDs that they shouldn’t call themselves a diabetic)
D) It doesn’t really matter to me. I’ve never kept it a secret what I am. I have a disease and that part I can accept. It’s the frustration of trying to get/keep it in contol that bothers me.
E-I used to hate the word diabetic when I was younger. Now that I am older and wiser, wink wink, I actually prefer to be called a diabetic. It is part of who I am as much as what I do for a living or what I like to spend my time on. Plus I have been diabetic for over 20 years now. I respect what others want to be called, I think this is a personal thing for all of us with the D.
Hmm, I’ve never given this any thought, but then I don’t really tell anyone, except those who really need to know. It’s not that I’m ashamed, but I just feel most people don’t really care. However, if I ever start taking Insulin, I would probably tell some of my coworkers (in case I have an insulin reaction), so they would know what to do
I’ll have to get back to you …
this is an interesting topic, for sure! I really can’t stand hearing people call my daughter “diabetic”…it sounds so …I don’t know…labeled. She deals with diabetes. I have another perspective…I’ve dealt with breast cancer…I am not “canceretic”…I am a “survivor”…huh?..“diabetes survivor?”…I don’t know.
i prefer erin. or hey,babe, but if i have to i usually use dialectic. my husband and i like to screw with words so we change a lot of them. diabetic became dialectic, probably something that came out of my mouth when i was low.