Diabetic Pastry Chef

Hi Everyone, I’m new to the forums and am enjoying all of the discussions. I want to invite you to visit my blog at http://www.diabeticpastrychef.com. I share a lot of diabetic pastry recipes there.

I have seen your website. And I still look. However, as the caretaker of a Type 1, 11 year old child, I am puzzled at the fact that you do not list nutritional information for any of your recipes. No carbohydrate counts, no calories, grams of fat per serving or caloric content. Type 1 diabetics count carbohydrates for every meal and snack eaten, then calculate insulin needed to cover it. I believe even Type 2 diabetics are interested in the carbohydrate content of what they are eating. So lots of research must be done to use a lot of your recipes. Also, in order to enjoy “diabetic” or any other pastry, the carb content must fall within a certain range. I am not one to give the kid 100 grams of carbohydrate and just bolus for it. A lot of your recipes do not seem to be moderate carb. Just my two cents…

Jan, I may add nutritional info in the future, but I purposely do not presently, as I state my recipes are only to be used as guidelines. If you’ll notice, my recipes contain many variables. For instance, I give you the option of whether to use butter, canola butter or Smart Balance spread. White flour, soy flour or whole wheat flour. I give the option of using soy flour or egg whites in place of whole eggs. I suggest mixing whole milk with half water to cut the carbs in half etc. I have no idea what path you are going to take, which makes it impossible for me to give nutritional information. Most of my recipes have half the carb count of the original recipes they were devised from. The purpose of my website is to get you to experiment until you are satisfied with the taste of the recipe and what effect it has on your blood sugar (or in your case, your child’s).

Stacey, I still must insist that if you use the title "Diabetic " Pastry Chef, you must add the nutritional information. All Type 1 diabetics MUST have accurate carbohydrate counts for all foods or they simply cannot eat them. I believe Type 2 diabetics also count carbs. Just give the nutritional information for the recipe you DID make. I deliberately posted the “hungrygirl.com” website as an alternative for those looking to enjoy sweets, muffins or pastries. She gives out all nutritional information. P.S. And kind of need the fat grams listed as well since fat slows down absorption of insulin.