Just awful to feel like that at all, but for hours!
My mother-in-law had vertigo for months. Will ask her if a cause was ever diagnosed. It wasn’t BP, med related & she’s not diabetic.
Just awful to feel like that at all, but for hours!
My mother-in-law had vertigo for months. Will ask her if a cause was ever diagnosed. It wasn’t BP, med related & she’s not diabetic.
Someone at work told me about an episode of “Mystery Diagnosis” on the Discovery Health Channel that dealt with this very problem (it’s called The Woman Who Couldn’t Stop Rocking). I’m TIVOing it, but I’m (almost) terrified to watch.
Docs were going to MRI my mother-in-law’s head, but then it just went away. I think it was a low grade ear infection. Yea, I’d be scared to watch “Mystery Diagnosis” also.
no flu shots for me, but I do have chronic sinus infections and sinus issues, but I am mostly dizzy due to my bloodsugar fluctuations. Anything below 100 and I start feeling wierd. I have a small window of bgs control where I feel okay.
I am taking levemir in the morning…I have had bouts of severe anemia. My doctor is having my hemoglobin checked again. Are you anemic???
Had my flu shot, didn’t get much choice, the doc said i needed it and really didn’t think much about it…
So, I went to the doctor this morning. Nothing conclusive yet. I had FIVE vials of blood drawn, and she’s checking everything from thyroid function to Lyme disease.
Good news: my EKG was normal (thank God), my BP was good, and my BG was fantastic. She has me on a nasal steroid spray and daily Claritin. Her suspicion is that I’m having Vertigo because of inner ear issues. We’re hoping that the Claritin and steroid will dry up my sinuses, and that the Vertigo will subside.
I’ll let you guys know if the bloodwork reveals anything else, or if the dizziness goes away!
I hope you’re all feeling better
Congrats on the good news! Wishes that your other tests come back fine.
Spoke with my mother-in-law about her vertigo problem that I mentioned yesterday. Yes, her vertigo was caused by a low grade ear infection. This after they did every test available & she was scheduled for an MRI. She wasn’t given steroids, but several oral antibiotics.
Hope you’re back to normal soon.
Hi Santiago, are you still having dizzy spells?. My son is having a terrible time with dizziness every day for the last 9 months. He feels very dizzy at normal levels, but can feel dizzy at any number. It is really affecting his life but the Diabetic clinic are convinced it isn’t down to his blood sugars. He has has different tests to rule out a number of things. There is just no answer to the dizziness. He is desperate for his life back
This is anxiety, you may have an anxiety disorder when I used to have really bad anxiety thats exactly how I felt.
We don’t prebolus when using Apidra. She uses the Dexcom on and off (won’t wear it full time). I noticed after eating, there were times when I would get a straight down arrow and low BS numbers on the Dexcom, even after a meal. Apparently, the bolus was kicking in faster than the food. I have seen an 80 go to 50 fast. I give the carbs upfront; whereas with Novolog I would give meat and veggies first.
They have diminished quite a lot, but to be honest … I couldn’t find the answer to “why” they where happening. My conclusion is that it’s been more an emotional subconscious thing that needed to be released (fear, anxiety, shame) relating to my acceptance of the disease (I also had them at any sugar level), this is of course really hard to diagnose since it doesn’t appear in tests, so I just started to let go of the need to find the answer, which is not usually an easy thing to do (I just started to observe the episodes without judging, something I learned thanks to spiritual practice).
I know what your son is going through, my advice is that he starts doing some mindfulness practice, this leads to a kind of “letting it be ok” to not know. Because sometimes we just don’t know. But we can learn to trust the process and this creates a transformation. I hope this doesn’t sound too gibberish
I recommend the teachings of Shinzen Young, you can google him.
My advice is … learn to trust yourself and learn to appreciate yourself. Sounds cliche but it’s true in my experience.
Hope this helps.
I was researching past blogs for discussion on having an MRI with the Omnipod. I am scheduled this afternoon for one due to an almost constant underlying mild state of vertigo. I have struggled with motion sickness my whole life but I have had some prolonged intense spells and cases unrelated to motion for about 6 or 7 years…roughly the same length of time I have had LADA.
I have read that researchers are looking into a connection between Meniere’s (sp) disease (constant state of vertigo) and T2. I believe that the thinking is that the same area of the brain is involved in insulin resistance and verigo. I have T1…am not resistant so not sure what they are looking for.
Has anyone gotten any answers? I hope you have at least gotten relief. I have used the patch and Bonine with some success. It is frustrating…
Here’s my experience. I was having SEVERE dizzy episodes. In fact, I was dizzy all the time. Some occured when I rolled over in bed, others came out of now where (ie sitting at the table reading newspaper) and those were severe, couldn’t move or open my eyes and sometimes vomited. And when I stood up too fast. Finally went in for extensive tests and they determined two things. One was Meniere’s which occurs more often when other autoimmune diseases are involved (ie diabetes) I have to keep my salt intake to under 1000mg day. When I look back on it, the severe incidents occurred after eating high salt meals. Now, when I go on vacation, if I’m not careful, after 2-3 days of eating out I’ll end up dizzy and throwing up. It’s really awful.
The other (rolling over in bed) was caused by particles in the fluid of my ear. They have exercises and therapy to lodge these particles so they no longer cause the dizziness. I also have fairly low blood pressure which I think causes dizziness when standing quickly. Don’t think these have anything to do with the diabetes.
So basically I had several things all contributing to my “dizzy” state. I’m sure there are many things that can contribute to dizziness so just keep researching and hopefully you’ll figure it out but this was my experience. It’s much better now that I know what caused it and how to handle it (just one more thing to “handle”) Good luck to everyone!
Some people think that i am crazy the doctors office thinks that i am great because i have problems with anxiety and sometimes think my sugar is going low and its just fine. I my sugars usually 8 times in aday, well noone can ever get on me for not checking bloodsugars i do more than most oh well what ever works for you and remember to please check before you get behind the wheel, thanks derry the diabetic
Some months ago I was having a problem with dizziness, which was keeping me pretty much grounded. Someone here on TuD suggested that dehydration might be the problem, so I started drinking more water, especially having water whenever I take a bolus. Also I try to have tea once or twice a day, often rooibos (which is non caffeine). Mocha latte for breakfast. The extra liquid does seem to be a help, since I don’t remember having a bad dizzy spell for a very long time. Don’t know if that’s a help, but if tried, at least it shouldn’t hurt.
As Barb brought up, I understand that low blood pressure can cause dizziness upon standing, (I have that, too, Barb…sheesh,) I have heard that making sure you are hydrated can help with low blood pressure, so perhaps there is a connection there, Trudy.
Barb, I thought that maybe the inner ear crystal thing was at play with me. I even considered trying to move them around myself by reclining on my exercise ball. The neurologist did manipulate my head and said that by the reaction (or lack of?) in my eyes, that was not an issue with me.
Glad you both are feeling better.
Yeah, they did the eye reaction thing with me too. I never did go in for the “therapy” so I guess they lodged themselves because it’s gone away. I still can get dizzy when standing quickly but like you said, that’s from the low blood pressure. The salt thing is really severe but I keep it in check.
OK…so you have to watch carbs AND sodium (and fat and carcinogens and nitrates, nitrites, pesticides and any number of other toxins.) It just keeps getting more and more fun, eh!?
And no dairy!! So that leaves … not much