Do you bolus after changing a Pod?

Like many others have mentioned on this forum, I have noticed some highs after I change a Pod, and sometimes the highs last for half a day or more. I mentioned it to my endo, but she did not want to suggest a bolus until we had more data. (I have been on the Pod since August 3 of this year.)

My question is this: do any of you regularly bolus before or after you change the Pod? I know that everyone requires different amounts of insulin, but if you bolus, what do you usually take? I am very sensitive to insulin, so I usually do not take much at any time, but I would like to know how others treat after-change highs. Do you just treat the highs as they occur, or do you anticipate the high and bolus?

I see my endo next week, and I would like to go in with some information on this topic. Thanks.

I too have the same issue. I normally bolus just a unit ot 2 depending upon my BG when I change the pod.

Hi -

My son is on the OmniPod - he’s now 3.5 years old and has been on it for almost a year. The reason you go high after a pod change - and this can happen on any type of pump - is that some Drs. believe the body has a reaction to the change and sometimes tries to reject the cannula, etc… Will always goes high after a pod change so I normally bolus him between 0.50 - 1.0 unit and then give him a temp basal of about 20% for the first two hours. I then check him every hour to make sure he’s going down. This seems to bring everything into line.

On another note, he also seems insulin resistant in the a.m. when he wakes up. Apparently, this is fairly common. Our Endo suggested bolusing him when he wakes up for his entire breakfast and to see what happens. So far, this seems to be working. In the past, I would bolus when he wakes up for the milk he wanted and then wait another 30-60 minutes before he was ready for breakfast and then bolus before he ate (he wakes up at 6 a.m. and then waits for his breakfast). This always resulted in highs in the a.m. This new system, of bolusing for everything seems to be working. We’ve been avoiding the morning highs.

Hope this is helpful.

It happens to me, but only when I put the pod on my inner thigh. To counter-act, I use a temp basal increase of 75% for about 4-5 hours and take a small bolus (usually 1 unit) right after the change.
I’ve noticed the same thing occasionally when placing a pod on my butt/lower-back, but it is not all the time and not as pronounced either.

I don’t, and I’ve never noticed a problem, I’m happy to say.

I have often wondered if my body is saying, “What’s that thing sticking in me?” when the cannula goes in. Thanks for the insight.

Thanks for the info. I think that I will talk to my endo about a possible temporary bolus after a pod change since I seem to go high for at least 6 hours after the change. My problem area happens to be my abdomen (due to scar tissue), but I have noted highs from other locations as well. I will definitely take this info with me next Thursday.

I’ve had the same problem with highs after a Pod change almost since the day I started. Finally my CDE suggested a 2, 3 or 4 unit Bolus of Humalog after my Pod change, depending on what my BG was before the Pod change. This approach works quite well for me.

I notice this problem but only with certain sites. I normally bolus 1 unit with a pod change and avoid the sites where I notice a high lasts hours despite doing the bolus. Trial and error is the only way to figure out where the pods work best for you.

Same issue. I started out small and have worked up to 1.5 units after changing my pod. I have been on the pod just over a year and this seems to work for me. I will do this no matter what my BG is when I change a pod.

i’ve gotten into the habit of checking my sugar after i change my pod…then act accordingly, whether i’ve just eaten and will probably go high or if i’m high already add a little more to the correction or normal maybe do a temp basal of +20% for an hour

hope this helps!
