great song! Very motivational. Do you know the name of the group?
I was just listening to a couple songs on my iPod and thought these two songs fit for me.
Hands By Jewel I feel like this one explains how people tend to think I am a weekling because I have diabetes. Hello have you not seen that basketball player (sorry I don’t remember his name), or the congress woman, or some other well known people who have it and don’t let anything get in the way.
Force of Gravity by BT especially the chorus It stinks to go to bed feeling weak because of a low
One that explains it exactly is Drum roll please…
The Diabetes Rap from Youtube
Those are some of mine.
That video is not available in Canada for some reason. Something about SME content. The future of the internet is not friendly in my opinion. Money and politics have ruined a good thing and censorship is increasing. Meanwhile here is my suggestion for a song.
Here’s what it says when I click on the video
This video contains content from SME. It is not available in your country.
Sorry about that.
Total corn but it fits!
Hey Acid…how do you imbed the youtube videos to make them look like this? I can paste the link, but can’t get the visuals. Please tell, inquiring minds want to know.
Gimme Shelter is apt, “it’s just a shot away…”
Also an interesting Malcom X quote in the video, also perhaps engaged with diabetes, “the future belongs to those who prepare for it today”. While Malcom wasn’t perhaps talking about laying in enough test strips and snacks to survive adjusting one’s rates, it sort of works?
Mine is “One More Round” by Barlowgirl. I especially like the part that says “I may be knocked down and so bruised, but I’m here to tell you I may be knocked down but not for the count.”
Here’s the link:
I didn’t make the video, I just found it on youtube since the live versions seemed to mostly be the more uh, corporate stones, from the Super Bowl, etc.? I would have been like 5 or 6 in 1973 when I first saw the image of Kim Phúc running down the road after being napalmed, probably the burning monk too. She faced a lot of adversity and seems to have worked hard to use having been burned (wiki page shows her back and arm to have been pretty horribly burnt and mentions 17 surgeries…) for good causes. I like the idea of protesting things and think that we’ve lost something of that lately, just rolling over and making sure our benefits keep coming. There’s apparently some type of G8 shindig coming to Chicago soon? Hmmm…
Howza- I have never heard of him before.
Peace to be sure, a goal which seems very much to have fallen by the wayside these days, with the push to globalism and the death throes of capitalism. Gimme Shelter indeed.
i bought the name tag too! i have posters all over my wall. I have wrote leters to him and everything… is it truley my hero
Kanye West - Work out plan
my song of choice is definitely “a little bit longer” by the jonas brothers…nick jonas, to be more specific.
i’ve been a huge jonas brothers fan since 2005, they’re my favorite band. and i always loved the song a little bit longer just because of the message behind it and how meaningful it was to nick when it wrote it about his type 1 diabetes. it meant something special to me to begin with. he wrote this a couple of years ago, and i was just diagnosed this past march with type 1 diabetes. i re-listened to the song the moment i was diagnosed and it brought me to tears because it meant that much more to me than it ever has before. it brings me to a place where i feel as though someone else understands me. so that will always be my song of choice. <3
thats how i felt and still feel. When im at camp or on this website or listening to "A little bit longer " i feel like a somebody and i feel like people understand me. i have gone home crying because kids teased me for being diabetic and i listen to this song and it makes me feel better <3
i have seen this…haha trust me when i say i’m beyond obsessed. i’m a member of team jonas, which is their fan club. hahaha but i do love this video, so thanks for finding it for me to re-watch again!