Natalie, someone told me that she was able to trick the outdated strips by setting her meter back a year so the meter didn't think they were expired.
I admit, I keep a stockpile of supplies. I think I protect myself this way. Sure, perhaps there will be a disaster or a loss of employment, but the real problem? Doctors and insurance. Yes, that is right. They conspire to deny me the medical supplies that I believe I need. Test strips are a prime example. Look at how many of us are told by insurance companies that we only need to test a couple times a day when we use insulin. So I admit it, I "play" the system and keep a bit more than a three month rotating supply. I also keep additional insulin as a backup, primarily extra vials of NPH and R, just sitting in my fridge. They last forever, if anything goes wrong with my normal regime, I have extra.
Now this is markedly different than "Compulsive Hoarding." Everything is specifically kept to be used. I think when we use the term hoarding, we get pictures in our mind of houses stuffed to the gills with old newspapers. I don't do that, my intent is to actively use everythine. What I do is make sure that I obtain prescriptions that exceed my needs rather than fall short of my needs. I also order my supplies earlier than absolutely required by my needs. Since I can get most of my supplies with a three month prescription, this means that I can warp the system to maintain a six month stockpile if I desire.
Gee, I wish I had known that before I threw away all those strips!!!! But I will remember if it happens again, so thanks! :-)
You need to ask the right people! My mother took me to an appointment this AM and said when we got back, she wanted me to email my brother. He was trying to find a cheese place up in Vermont. My mother had my sister looking and she couldn't find it. Then my mother called a friend of my cousin's to see if she remembered - the friend had sent a platter of it when my aunt died and that is how we found it. I haven't order any for awhile because it is expensive, but I have one of the labels. If anyone had bothered to ask, it would have taken me 2 minutes to get to the label and tell them what it was.
I sometimes hoard the MM items. Medtronic is real sssslow when they process supply orders. I make sure to have at least a month's worth of MM stuff.
No insurance? A frightening thought for diabetics. What happens when Medicare takes over? THAT is really scary.
Such good advice! I wish I had known that too!!!
You will know next time Tigger!