Does anyone heard or knew somebody getting cured of Diabetes II?

Halle berry the actress said she did but think its was confused from type one and two.

You're right walshdon! The Halle Berry saga was very much a big hype, but type1 or type2 matters not....neither are curable. In fact NO diabetes is curable!


Thanks. This one made my day! I don't have a problem with dirt in my colon ever since I stopped eating dirt.

In 5 to 8 hours, expect severe diarrhea like symptoms in the early morning as your body violently purges dirt from deep in your colon.

she controls not cured

Yes, I agree that they are not curable. But before throwing out the baby with the bath water; under proper fixing if certain medical issues ( Insulin, metformin) and other new hormones, with a rational diet reducing carbs and sufficient exercise to achieve lower glucose levels in blood stream ( under 7 a1c); it is possible to stop/reduce the damage and rot. That is not a cure/reversing diabetes but it is managing the issue better.
I hope it might help

Latest data and experience of myself and some thers; that if one gets stress off pancreas - fix diet, exercise and somei nsulin, Pancreas can and does recover some of the islets. Thinking now is suggesting that under severe stress, pancreas islets revert to some pre-form not responding and producing insulin.

See work done at University of Newcastle upon Tyne - re: Dr/Professor Roy Taylor at their MRI spectromety work watching type 2 diabetics having their insulin production recover on tight diets. Those on bariatric surgery also show similar results.