Does anyone take a break from the pump for a few days?

I am on the omnipod. I took a 2-day break from it during the work-week and just used injections. My numbers were the same. As I ate very aware that I couldn't extended bolus or snack througout the day. Just curious if others do that.

I have been on the pump now for 2 months. I haven’t been tempted to go “untethered” yet. I enjoy the control and freedom I have with the pump versus MDI, such as the combo boluses, etc. as you mentioned. Maybe things might change in the future where I would want a pump vacation, but I don’t see that time now.

Ive been thinking about it, but I would have to buy NPH or Lantus to do it, and syringes…Which is a bit much for me. I also like the fact I dont have to eat on a schedule…