Pump vacation?

Have you ever taken a "pump vacation"? By that I mean every now and then I disconnect on Friday afternoon and reconnect on Sunday night. Not a long time, but nice to have it off now and then. Of course I'm still doing MDI during that time and a few more fingersticks, so it hasn't been a problem. And I still watch what I eat and drink. I've only done it twice in five years. Anyone out there do this?

I've done it twice in five years of pumping, both times lasting under a week. I meant to go for a week each time, but both times my blood sugar control was just terrible on MDI and I couldn't stand literally ping-ponging between high and low non-stop and never being in range. Really makes me appreciate my pump when I reconnect, that's for sure!

I've done it a few times, but only for a day, usually when I wanted to wear something or do something that wasn't conducive to being on the pump. But honestly, I found each experience so nerve-wracking that I reattached as soon as possible. Trying to dose in whole units is impossible for me these days, and I constantly ended up low each time. So, now I just try to work my pump into whatever it is I want to do or wear. I love my pump :-)

No, I'm sort of scared to do it.

I was forced into a pump vacation when my Revel failed this past summer. I had a couple of days where I was back on shots. That actually made me realize that I'd forgotten a lot about giving myself insulin. I let my pump do the calculations now.

Maybe I should get in the habit of doing this maybe once a year or so.

Hi Mike,

I have only been on the pump 4 months. But I intend to take a break from the pump every summer vacation for two weeks..

I figure if I am abroad, swimming, sunbathing, diving spending time on the beach etc then this would be a good time to switch back to MDI.

There is a section on this in pumping insulin by Walsh. I will just switch back to Lantus and Novorapid.

I hope this will leave me feeling more refreshed, as well being a good reminder of the benefits and joys of pumping.

Have to say since starting the pump in November, I haven't been disconnected for more than 45 minutes ha. Weird how quickly you get used to it.