goooood morning! out walking the dog in the park and sat down to shoot up and absent-mindedly dialled up my 6 units of levemir instead of the usual two. and then i talked to myself out loud the whole way home, going, oh no, that was so stupid, omg.... my doses arent big, but thats three times as much! so im not cycling to work or anything and think i will have to test more. im assuming this means i will not be able to just eat a big pizza for lunch or anything because its the slow acting? so i should increase my carbs slightly and i should be fine, right? then normal pm dose at the regular time?
you think i could cycle my regular 25 minutes to work if im ok with bg beforehand?
thanks super Sally, first time ive done this and it was so automatic! and then i Heard the dial on the insulin pen just going round and round and just thought, oh no what have i done?!?!
I agree with Sally, you can probably cycle in without problem. Levemir takes a while to reach peak, perhaps 7 hours. A good way of figuring out how many carbs you need is to multiply your extra dose (4 units) by your ICR. If you cover 10 grams of carbs with 1 unit, then you need 40 extra grams of carbs throughout the day. Hardly a challenge. I'm sure you can figure out how to eat a couple of snacks and probably be fine.
Another thing you could do is make slight reductions in your mealtime insulin doses to compensate. But I suspect that your dosing is so low that this is not practical.
wow! thank you Brian! one unit of insulin covers thirty carbs for me, so thats 120 grams?? thats a lot of carbs! but really good to know a way to do the calculations for today. (hopefully ill never do this again!)
That is over 24 hours. And as you may still have some insulin production, you may find that the extra insulin just offsets your own and you don’t need to eat as many carbs.