Drawing Diabetes: our second project for Diabetes Art Day on February 3rd!

Diabetes Art Day is a web-based initiative for the Diabetes Online Community to “tell a story” about life with diabetes through creative visual expression, and it is swiftly approaching on February 3rd! See images from last year's event here.

In the first half of January we focused our efforts on creating a Word in Your Hand for this project, and now we're switching our attention to a project called Drawing Diabetes. Drawing Diabetes was initially intended to inspire children to express their feelings about diabetes, but anyone can do it!

You can see more pictures of diabetes, created by your fellow TuDiabetes members, in the Drawing Diabetes group... Also feel free to join it!

Share your picture with the TuDiabetes community by posting it in the comments section of Express Your Diabetes, AND on February 3rd add it to the Diabetes Art Day Gallery!! Whether you're an accomplished painter or have never drawn anything outside the margins of your high-school notebooks, share something you have made that relates to YOUR diabetes.

I used to draw so much when I was a kid. In fact, during my hospital stay I kept a "drawing journal" that documented my experiences. If I can find the time, maybe I will try to come up with something to contribute!