I am a new diabetic, have only been diabetic a little over year. I was diagnosed two days after my 20th birthday. I am now 21 and still love to drink. What are some things you drink or do while your drinking? I obviously do not drink like i did before i was diabetic. But i still do on the weekends (not as heavily though) but i continue a diet and excercise. Also while drinking i check my blood sugar 10 times more than i do when im not drinking. I just want to know diabetics like mes different views and such on drinking.
I am not a big drinker by any means, but I enjoy a margarita or two on occasion. I am usually very quiet about my diabetes, but if I am going to drink I never do it unless the people I am drinking with know I am diabetic - at least one person who is not going to drink or only have one drink must know, no exceptions. It is hard to tell the difference between “low” and “tipsy”, so I tend to run a little higher when I drink, to try to prevent lows. And I very rarely have much to drink, maybe three cocktails max in an evening, but usually just one. I always check blood sugar before bed if I have been drinking, too. Hope this helps!
Test test test,
Don’t go crazy on the bolusing if your Bg is rising, because while the mixers/ale/sweet liqueur type drinks will raise your BG initially, the actual alcohol content can plummet your BG fast, often when you are asleep if you’ve been drinking in the evening.
Know you limits, low and drunk feel kinda the same, try not to get to the point where you’re sick, that can screw stuff up even more.
A good slow release carb type meal before you go out helps.
errr can’t think of anything else for the minute. HTH x
1HappyDiabetic has a fun and informative video on
drinking with Diabetes.
I err on the side of low carb beers. I actually really like the taste of Michelob Ultra! I tend to run in the high 100s before I start to drink because once the alcohol is in your blood it slows absorption of food. If insulin starts to work, but your body can’t absorb the carbs, then you’re going to dip into insulin shock land.
It’s hard to recover from that, after two or three shots. Especially with the alcohol that’s in it (80 proof).
Also, what Melinda said- make sure at least ONE person knows that you’re diabetic and will “watch” you for signs of passing out. Drunk feels and LOOKS low- so be careful that you no longer go over the edge of drunk-dom. A little tipsy is okay. Hangover drunk? No.
When I drink I always make sure I’ve eaten a really high carb meal like baked potato with baked beans. I make sure I test plenty of times and luckily my friends or family keep an eye out too. Another thing is try and drink a glass of water every now and again, I don’t mean a glass of water then a vodka and coke/beer/cocktail whatever it is your drinking and then another water, but just stay on top of it. And when that time comes when the giggly tipsy effect is turning into just having no control - stop the drinking, get some fresh air a coffee and sober uppppp! Pluss I don’t think the sluuring, falling about the place and being sick is really all that attractice for us ladiees =D After all that I guess aslong as your not going majorly high (alco pops contain loads of sugar) and then dropping dangerously then your doing pretty well, have fuuun with it =)
Baileys Irish Cream, my family always have that at Christmas. Thats the only time for it hehaa although I’m not a fan.
I worked/camped at Joslin for many years. The best advice I got from all the college kids who worked there, above the obvious, was to eat a PB sandwich before going to bed. Of course, you should test often. If you drink mixed drinks, make sure you can tell the difference between regular soda and diet soda…someone will screw it up and you should send it back if it is regular. No need to add more variables to the situation. Good luck, and remember you have diabetes, diabetes does not have you!
I want to say thank you to all of you, it makes me feel so much better about my choices. I do drink, and if i do i control it very well never have highs or lows… i keep it a good blood sugar. I dont also drink like I used to, i strictly stick to michelob ultra or natural light… and if i even drink a mixed drink its a rum and diet. I just dont feel alone,and when poeple say to me your not supposed to be drinking i feel better about myself after hearing your comments. I may have became diabetic at the right time, ive gotten most of my partying out of me. But thank you so much : ) your all wonderful poeple. and i always keep in my mind “ypou have diabetes, diabetes doesnt have you” ( thanks dave) its something i run through my head everyday, especially the days i just keep thinking why me? why do i have to have this? … thanks again all of you:)
I still haven’t seen/heard of a single good reason to drink that overrides everything pasted below. Sure, much of it relates to alcohol abuse, but if you only knew how thin the line between use and abuse is you might reconsider.
By Mayo Clinic staff
Alcohol depresses your central nervous system. In some people, the initial reaction may be stimulation. But as you continue to drink, you become sedated. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and affects your thoughts, emotions and judgment. In sufficient amounts, alcohol impairs speech and muscle coordination. Too much alcohol can severely depress the vital centers of your brain. A heavy drinking binge may even cause a life-threatening coma.
Over time, excessive alcohol use can cause fatigue and short-term memory loss, as well as weakness and paralysis of your eye muscles. Other severe health effects may include:
- Liver disorders. Drinking heavily can cause alcoholic hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Signs and symptoms may include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and tenderness, fever, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), and sometimes confusion. After years of drinking, hepatitis may lead to cirrhosis, the irreversible and progressive destruction and scarring of liver tissue.
- Gastrointestinal problems. Alcohol can result in inflammation of the lining of the stomach (gastritis) and interfere with absorption of the B vitamins — particularly folic acid and thiamin — and other nutrients. Heavy drinking can also damage your pancreas, which produces the hormones that regulate your metabolism and the enzymes that help digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
- Cardiovascular problems. Excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and damage your heart muscle (cardiomyopathy). These conditions can increase your risk of heart failure or stroke.
- Diabetes complications. Alcohol prevents the release of glucose from your liver and can increase the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This is dangerous if you have diabetes and are already taking insulin to lower your blood sugar level.
- Sexual function and menstruation. Alcohol abuse can cause erectile dysfunction in men. In women, it can interrupt menstruation.
- Birth defects. Alcohol use during pregnancy may cause fetal alcohol syndrome. This condition results in birth defects, including a small head, heart defects, a shortening of the eyelids and various other abnormalities. Developmental disabilities are likely as well.
- Bone loss. Alcohol may interfere with the production of new bone. This can lead to thinning bones and an increased risk of fractures.
- Neurological complications. Excessive drinking can affect your nervous system, causing numbness of your hands and feet, disordered thinking and dementia.
- Increased risk of cancer. Chronic alcohol abuse has been linked to a higher risk of numerous cancers, including cancer of the mouth, pharynx (throat), esophagus, larynx, liver and colon, rectum, and breast.
The nonmedical complications of alcoholism and alcohol abuse also are grave. Each year 85,000 Americans die of alcohol-related causes. Alcohol is a factor in nearly half of all U.S. traffic deaths. In addition, alcohol abuse is linked to:
- A greater susceptibility to accidental injuries from other causes
- Domestic abuse and divorce
- Poor performance at work or school
- A higher incidence of suicide and murder