Sorry if it gets lengthy. I'm at a loss of what to do lately.
My Naomi started pumping in late May and control was great all summer. We made a few changes once school started and then again in late November (after soccer 3x a week went away her insulin needs increased). We were cruizin' along and now it's in the toilet (IMO). She's on a pump and has not been diagnosed w/ celiac (as of blood draw 10 months ago). T1D DX was 10/28/10, so maybe this is the end of the honeymoon..but I don't know. Her bg is all over the board. At night she is pretty much stable mabel so long as she doesn't have a snack just before bed. If she eats carbs before bed she usually ends up needing a correction around 11pm or 12am. Her basal rate decreases at 12am because sometimes she will drop 50+ on her own (without any corrections) between 2am-6am, so doesn't that mean she must still be producing some insulin on her own? Since her basal change in NOV she has needed fewer late night corrections and as long as she's 130+ at 2am I don't recheck her again until before breakfast - sometimes she will stay totally stable and others it will drop. The main issue we are having is major spikes that just won't budge unless I have her go without any processed carbs (bread, crackers, etc..). This is what has been happening lately. Breakfast bg say 104, two hours later 260, three hours later 180. If I give her applesauce, cheese and a correction she'll be back to 120's by 12:30am, BUT if I give crackers and cheese she'll be back at 260+ in no time so then with lunch at 12:30am a bg of 202 with a 55 carb lunch (bread, meat, cheese, orange, yogurt) she was 360 in the afternoon. I had her go carb free until her sugars came down. At dinner at 5:45pm she was back to 115, had chicken, apples and an orange w/ a standard dinner bolus...then no pump for an hour while doing gymnastics...put pump back on she was 114 at 8:30pm and held great at that through until her basal dropped at 12am when she bumped up a bit to 125 but held fine all night long. Normally that type of dinner pre-gymnastics would have possibly attributed to a low during her exercise. Naomi has never had a major I:C ratio difference for bread vs things like applesauce or yogurt, it's been pretty much all the same but it seems like now regardless of the item (whole wheat bread, white bagel thin, homestyle frozen waffle) that it sends her to the moon. Naomi complains her tummy hurts almost every morning. Sadly this has been happening in phases with the tummy - it happened last year as well so the endo screened her blood again just months after diagnosis and found nothing.
Any ideas?