I’m feeling really depressed right now. I’ve been doing the testing after meals, portion control and exercise. I’ve lost 14 lbs. so far without actually being on a ‘diet’ or counting calories (I’ve done those things in the past and always ended up giving up because it was too much work without great results). Most of my 2-hour blood sugars have been under 120, and when I test around 4 hours after eating, they usually range from the low 100s to the mid 80s.
All that seems not so bad, right? But I am still getting bad blood sugars in the morning. I wake up with a sense of dread, and then I see numbers like 110, 118, even 124 and just feel doomed.
I keep trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong: eating before bed, not eating before bed, timing of meals or drugs? Last night I deliberately didn’t eat anything after 7:30 pm, checked before bed (around 1 am) and was at 87. Sounds great, right? WRONG: I zoomed up to 117 by 9 am the next morning.
Yes, I have heard about the dawn phenomenon, but all I keep thinking is: What is wrong with me? WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH?