Just curious what folks do when they see a rise in their morning/fasting numbers. I have been pretty strict about when and what I eat, and when I exercise, since my July dx, and was averaging 84 as my morning numbers, but the last four or five days, that has risen about 10 points and I am not sure what, if anything I am doing differently.
Don’t have any more stress than usual, and have been sleeping as well as always, and am on the same set of strips through this increase. That ten points gets in the way of my breakfasts, as I don’t have the “headroom” that I used to have to keep my goal of staying under 120 or so.
I suppose there are as many things to try, as there are type 2 diabetics so I am soliciting input from those who have found a successful way to deal with this dawn phenomena which I seem to be having, even tho those numbers are not over the top like many suffer with, I am very cautious, and like to keep things as low as possible in hopes of outliving the debilitating effects of my numbers going too high.
I so most of my exercise in the AM, and in the evening, will stop eating anything around 7 or 8, going to sleep at 10 or 11. Almost always, between the last food, and bedtime, I will put in 30 minutes on the treadmill watching some dumb TV show, but not always, and I haven’t noticed anything different in the past if I did, or did not walk late in the evening.
If there is something that some have found to eat that helps, I am interested, but would really like a specific. Lots of articles say “fiber” or some other magic ingredient. Life is complicated with this beast, so if you eat something that helps your numbers in the AM, please share what it is? I think I am still low enough overall that I can experiment with some things.
Thanks much,