Hi Scott,
Yes, I did try things that would help the Levemir last longer. I used to take it at 11 a.m. and use Humalog before I to manage before I took the Levemir. I also took one unit of Levemir at night to give me some further coverage.
I did not try splitting my dose though. If I cannot get Tresiba to work properly for me I think I will go back to Levemir and see about splitting my dose. It’s a good idea, and thanks for the suggestion!
Threads can be continued. There is no need to create a new thread to respond to the replies of the thread you created. Replying to the original thread with your original description will also give people context on what has already been suggested.
I love Tresiba. I take one dose daily in the mornings. It’s the easiest basal I’ve ever had. I’ve actually been able to track things that were more difficult before I had Tresiba (like small variations in basal needs due to my monthly cycle/hormones). Since Tresiba has been so consistent for me, it’s much easier to see when my basal needs change. I hope you try increasing your dose by just one unit before you give up on Tresiba. It’s really awesome stuff.
Hi Katers87,
Yes, I was struggling to figure out how this forum works. And then my account was frozen for some unknown reason.
I too like Tresiba a lot, but I find when I have low blood sugar I need to only take a very small amount of carbs or it goes screaming high. I am not sure if I will continue on in this forum because it’s not very intuitive.
I actually work in I.T. And have set up forums for discussion. Not sure why I can’t figure this one out.
Also, I am just replying yo you via email so maybe that’s why it’s starting a new thread. I tried to respond to people on the actual Tudiabetes board but was unable to do so. So I am not sure how I will get things to work going forward.
Thanks so much for your response, really do appreciate it.
@Sheryl I take Tresiba and Fiasp also. I currently take 7u Tresiba and 1 Fiasp per-meal. As long as I keep my meals to around 20-30 carbs that seems to work out for me so far.
Hi Chris - wow, you are on a low dose too. Happy for you! I just switched to these insulins about two months ago and am still adjusting. I find huge swings from low to high, I am considering going back to Levemir but will give it some more time.
I was only diagnosed in May so its new for me. I also take Jardiance and Januvia. I’m hoping my medication + lower carb intake will slow down the progression but only time will tell.
I was diagnosed in1971, robs ago. I have relatively few complications except for hypoglycaemic unawareness, which is one big drag. I hope you do well, I feel I have been very lucky in some ways. I find low carb is the only way to go, I wish you all the best with this in your life.
I’m sorry everything was so chaotic at first. I hope the forum gets a bit easier for you to navigate! Glad you were able to join us Let us know if you have any questions.
I can see why you might be worried about upping the dose if you had lows during the night. Maybe you just have different basal needs at night than the rest of the day. Hopefully Fiasp will help!