Finally ordered a pump

I am new to this site and very excited that I will soon be pumping. I have done a lot of research and decided to go with the Animas Ping. Now I just have to sit and wait for all of the insurance paperwork to be done i'm hoping this will give me some more freedom in the near future.

A little about me - I was diagnosed in Sept '08 at 32. Since then I have gone from oral meds to humalog/lantus combo. I have fairly good control with the insulins and my last A1C was 6.5.

My next big decision is which infusion sets to use but I think I am just going to get a variety and see which I like most.

I always laugh when the company I order my supplies from calls me back wanting to make sure they have the order correct. My order usually has 5 different boxes of infusion sets. Yes my order is correct. I have to sometimes just match my infusion set to my clothing.

I am in the same boat as you but I was diagnosed almost 4 years ago and finally switching to the animas ping as well. I started off with humalog/lantus as well then switched to humalog 75/25 mix and now will be pumping!

You should read the PDF file on animas ping’s website (the workbook is what I’m talking about). I started reading that and doing the exercises in there too. If you haven’t yet join the animas group…I joined a few months ago so I can learn about that pump. I was reading MM group too but decided to go with the ping…What color will you be getting? I picked green.

I am also deciding on the infusion set as well. I’ll try one of them and see how I feel. If I dont like it, I’ll get a sample of a different one and go from there.

But can’t wait to start pumping!

Animas will give you samples of each of their different infusion sets so you can try them out. Try the different lengths in tubing and in the canulas. You will find that some infusion sets work better on different locations of your body.