I need to find an Endo, but I’m terrified to see one. How can I overcome this fear? I know I need to go, badly! I just don’t know how to kick my butt in gear and get going! Any suggestions?
It is difficult finding a doctor who you can “bond” with. My first endo was in a large group practice, and you saw whoever was in the office the day you went. I switched primary care doctors, and she referred me to another endo, and I love him. I was one of his first patients when he started his practice. You can have your primary care doctor give you some names, or you can call the hospital closest to you for a list of doctors on staff. I feel more comfortable at my endocrinologist’s office because they understand diabetes. I have met some great people in the waiting room…fellow diabetics who understand the trials of having diabetes. Look at it as an experience. My doctor literally has saved my life, and I love him to death!!!
Good luck, and JUST DO IT!!!
I have a great endo in St. Louis!!!
Who are you using now???
What I have learned from my husband, who has repeated this line numerous times to me and still does : view your Health Team members , in this case your Endo , as your consultant( s ) . Ultimately it is YOU , that makes the final decisions , how to go forward.
Hope this helps.