Does anyone use an outside lab for a finger stick A1c? On the pump with Medicare they require that I see my MD and have a A1c to continue using. It is much faster if I can run into a lab to get the finger stick and then do a video call with my MD. I can not find anyplace that has a stand alone test without also requiring a visit with their in house Drs. Thank you for any help with this issue. I use a pump and Cgms. I do meet in person with my Endo for a full appointment and get full labs at least once a year.
I bought a $40 fingerstick A1c over the counter at Walgreens. It comes with 2 tests inside. The results seemed legit, but I haven’t heard from anyone else.
I’m aware of the every 90-day doctor visit requirement of Medicare to be eligible for Part B coverage of pump supplies and insulin. I am not aware of an A1c requirement. In fact I skipped an A1c twice in 2020 and two separate Medicare Part B vendors filled my 90-day supplies. I might very well be missing something here.
I use UltaLabs and they are all over the country with about 2100 places to get a test and I do blood tests there that don’t always fall in-line with my endo visits. Their A1C test is$21-$22 at their standard rate and from time to time discounted to $10.
The testing is actually done by Quest Diagnostics that do the tests for most doctor’s offices, clinics and many hospitals. They are a real class act and have great reporting and comparison reporting if you use them from time to time.
The 2 test codes are 91732 for one and 496 for the other. It looks like you may have to set up an account to get to these links
My endo accepts my dexcom calculation for estimated a1c. However I stil go in to get mine drawn.
The labs are using the same rapid test cartridges that you can get over the counter these days.
So your results will be similar, however I don’t know anything about how accurate the tech is overall.
Not sure Medicare would accept this, since cannot verify whose blood was used for test!!
Likely need test by doctor or lab, or maybe a local CVS Minute Clinic.
I was approved by Medicare to go on a pump eight years ago. Since then, I am not aware that my Endo has ever resubmitted an A1c test to Medicare. I know Ihave not been requested. I will ask him about it on my next visit.
I’ll second @CJ114’s recommendation of Ulta Labs’ service. When my endo absolutely refused to order a complete set of labs for my thyroid, Ulta Labs allowed me to order the tests myself. My blood was drawn by Quest. Nice to eliminate a reluctant doctor from the process.
Thank you. My MD states I need it quarterly for coverage, but I will press her on that.
I use Quest but when I asked they did not do fingerstick A1cs, I will look at your links.
That is what my MD said, that I needed an independent test either at their office or elsewhere.
Thank you everyone. I will check out suggestions and press my endo. I have only been going in once a year for my endo check for 50 years and spending time on another 3 visits is crazy. I can cut the time in half and do even while traveling if can do a teleheleath visit and do a quick fingerstick test at a local spot. I think it is going to be a lost cause but will keep looking at options. I wonder if I can get the office to streamline the process a bit. They seem to want to do the whole nine yards every time I visit.
You can do a quick A1C test as it only takes a few minutes to draw blood but then needs lab processing. Processing time is usually 4-24 hours through UltaLabs for an A1C