First night on Novolog

This was my daughters first night on Novolog. Been working great but it seems I will be up most of the night because it just scares me. Last check was at Midnight and it was 80. I know that’s good but… I had her eat 1/2 peanut butter sammie w/ milk. Am I wrong? I need a dietitian. Waiting for one of the places to call me back left messages on Jan 25th.

i won’t leave my girls at 80 at midnight. we shoot for 130 for both, that gives us dropping room… don’t forget that by 4 hours (in most instances actually 3 hours), the novolog is out of her system, and you are back to just the lantus. You will learn how many carbs you need for correction for day and night. At night a quarter of a cup of milk is enough to raise one of the girls about 50 BG points, the other only about 15.

Don’t know if you are still up, but 80 at midnight is a little on the low side - I think you made a good choice. So much of this disease is trial and error, that if you ever feel like your child is unsafe, you do what you think might work, and learn for the next time. Eventually you compile enough trials and errors to feel a little more in control, although there are always crazy days. It really does get much better though - even though you can’t imagine it.
I read a study once that said that the risk of night time hypoglycemia is way lower if your bg is 130 at bedtime and we have found that to be pretty true for us.
What dose of novalog did they start you on for dinner? Was it a flat dose, or related to the carbs she ate? Usually what our CDE recommends is to try the same thing for three days in a row and if you get the same negative result (too low at bedtime) then you change that one thing and try again for three days. So if you keep the dose the same for the next two nights and she is lower than you want at midnight, then decrease either the amount or the ratio by a little and try that.
You are doing great!! Your daughter is blessed to have a mom who cares enough to learn to cope with this.

Still up! Thanks for the info. Dr did not tell me ratio’s I have been looking them up myself. Dr. started her on 6 units. Thankful she wanted McDonald’s tonight and got 60 carbs. So that’s 1 unit for every 10 carbs right? I think he should of told me about the ratios and will be calling in the morning.

1am she was at 149. I think I gave her to much of peanut butter or milk. Crap!

I agree with others that you did the right thing giving some carbs when she was 80 at midnight. I did want to point out that you might want to consider things she can eat without much effort for carbs during the night. I try to make it son my son is not really all the way awake when this happens, and it has worked well for us. Things that work for us are yogurt, chocolate milk, chewy granola bars, pudding, etc. We are at the point now that if I put something in his mouth during the night and tell him to chew or swallow, he responds while still mostly asleep.

Just some thoughts to make it easier on both of you.

I agree our two girls we like them to be the high end of normal before sleep, and even then we check a few times to see where the glucose trend is. Be very careful with giving Rapid acting too close to bedtime. Cheers!

Maybe not because her fasting was 93!! Just what I’m looking for!

One thing you may want to try (it works very good for my daughter) are the dex-4 bits (small glucose tablets), each bit raises their blood sugar aprox 10 points. I’ve been using it for 2 years now and it always works as expected…
In case she is too sleepy to bite I give her apple juice 1/2 of a little box gets her exactly where she needs to be when she is around 80…
Hope it helps…

Thanks and yes it helps.