Found other LADAs in your community?

If it weren’t for this LADA
group and others like it, I would not have had communication with others with LADA. I’ve only met T1’s and T2’s. What about you?

I started a Type 1 Women’s Group in my area, Tess. The members include LADA’s as well as adult diagnosed sudden onset and child diagnosed type 1’s. We’re a varied group and it’s really great to connect with so many different Type 1’s. LADA’s areType 1’s, btw!

Hi Tess
I have never met another LADA person (have only been diagnosed 6 months), But I started a new course last week . . . SMaRT1E (Self Management and Review Type 1 intensive Education) . . . half the group of about 14 people had developed Type 1 as adults. So they are also LADA people although most Doctors here just call it type 1. I have a two hours drive to get to the course and so I still don’t know anyone local.
Fantastic course . . . we have it for three weeks running on Friday in October and then a review on the first Friday in December. I am learning so much :slight_smile:

No LADAs local, and no Type 1 groups either. Maybe that’s why I hang out here so much! I tried going to 2 “general” groups, but found no community of interest – they were wonderful people, and very welcoming, but the discussions just didn’t apply to me. I’m going tonight to talk with my favorite CDE and see whether we can change what is a dying pumpers’ group into a more active Type 1 group. Zoe gave me some good suggestions, and I’m going to present them to her. We’ll see what happens.

Not all Type 1’s diagnosed as adults, AndyJane, are LADA’s. They can also be sudden onsets. Yes, doctors tend not to use LADA but to use “adult onset” which covers both LADA’s and sudden onsets. It is now recognized that there are more type 1’s diagnosed as adults than as children.

I've met a few people with LADA and adults with Type 1 in person because of TuDiabetes, but mostly kids with Type 1 (and their annoying parents) and a few with Type 2.

On the subject of annoying: I think the annoying ones (and there are some really neat ones too) are SO focused on THEIR child, and working toward a cure, that they are not really aware of the larger diabetes community, and it seems not to register with them that their children will grow up to become adults with diabetes.

And when these children reach their teens and early 20's, it's hard to step out into the real world without hovering parents, and they can have a sense of victimhood and be very quick to latch on the the idea that if you weren't diagnosed as a child, it's your own fault for getting diabetes. Especially if you are not young and athletic and genuinely skinny.

I'm currently dealing with a couple of such young ladies (for reasons I can't go into at length here), and they absolutely can't deal with me, because I don't fit their perceived mold. Outside the boxes once again. So while it IS annoying and difficult for me, I just attribute it to their immaturity and ignorance (although one of them in particular KNOWS it all), and concentrate on working on my own issues.

But I'm glad to know other LADAs here, even when I don't think I fit in this box either (Melitta is working on me!), and I am really glad for the acceptance and sense of safety. :-)

I met another LADA on a one time seasonal hayride, believe it or not. Online, whom and the conditions I met was another three paragraphs.

I met you Tess well kinda, I parked your car at an event you and Jubie attended(I was the Valet). I went to see Dr. Lake, you were right he is great. I have such a feeling of relief you wouldn't believe it. He new exactly what I was going thru and made some sound suggestions and I could not be happier with him.

Thanks Tess
Maybe we could get together with our spouses for dinner some time, I would love to pick your brain:-)

I think you know more than I. You are really on top of this, just as you should be. I am off to Mayfaire but had to check my messages before heading out. The museum puts on Mayfaire and it is a lot of fun. I think I'll be inside the museum this year instead of ferrying our Mayfaire passengers from FSC to the lake, or ferrying around the lake like I usually do. Try to come out this weekend if you can.
and yes, let's all get together.What is your wife's name?

Happy Mother's Day to the women in your family.
By the way, everybody else knows me as Terry. I just like the nickname Tess and don't get to use it except online.
Have a great weekend.

Happy Mayfaire/mothers day weekend to you and yours as well.
My wifes name is Licia (pronounced LISH-A) see is an RN if I hadn't mentioned that.
When you see Pal, or if you see her, let her know that one of the Valet's said Happy Mothers Day. She is always fun to talk to when we vslet at the Art museum. My wife is tinkering in her garden I will see if I can drag her up to the Mayfaire this weekend:)
