Okay, it's progress! Steve Edelman's Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD), at the November 8 meeting in San Diego (http://tcoyd.org/national-conferences/san-diego-ca-2014.html), is having a session on LADA: Diagnosed with Type 1 as an Adult. How great is that?! A while back, I wrote to Steve Edelman and pointed out the vast numbers of adult-onset Type 1, that at the time even he, at his TCOYD conferences, was ignoring. Dr. Edelman wrote back a very kind note, and I have noticed more and more mention of adult-onset T1D at TCOYD. And now this!
Our TuD founder, Manny Hernandez (also diagnosed with Type 1 as an adult), is part of a panel discussion in that same workshop time, of course on "Your Online Support: Resources and Apps."