Here’s something I found a regular high carb recipe for so you can guess easier, bikette:

This is homemade ice cream. (I haven’t tried making it yet, though…)

Way too many carbs for me, for what you get from it. I don’t understand why there are so many recipes (not here necessarily, but on diabetic recipe sites) for diabetics that are for dessert. It’s easier to just not eat them, anything sweet - whether real or fake - just pollutes your taste buds for foods that are good for you. I’d sooner spend my carbs on a tomato.

Wow! That’s amazing!!! Can you post the recipe? Looks delicious(:

Close, but too high, especially when you calculate the fiber. It’s not hard to modify the recipe to reduce the carbs…

Ok, I’ll stop teasing you about the ice cream. It’s coconut-avocado ice cream. I found the recipe on allrecipes. Their recipe has 39.2 total carbs and 3.9 grams fiber, but if you replace the sugar with your favorite sugar substitute and substitute cream for the milk, it should be a lot less. Here’s a copy of the recipe:

Coconut-Avocado Ice Cream By: THANISLIM

“My mum loves avocados and coconut milk. Since we have an avocado tree and coconut cream on hand, I tried making this fusion ice cream and it’s heavenly. The avocado lends a lovely, appetizing color, and it has the nice aroma of coconut. Simply irresistible. Definitely something different to impress your guests.” Rate/Review | Read Reviews (32)
1,243 people have saved this | 0 custom versions
Prep Time:
10 Min
Ready In:
13 Hrs 10 Min
Servings (Help)
Metric Calculate
Original Recipe Yield 1 quart
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup coconut cream
1/2 cup white sugar
2 (1/2 pound) avocados, peeled and pitted
3/4 teaspoon lemon juice
1.Puree milk, coconut cream, sugar, avocados, and lemon juice in a blender until smooth. Pour into a bowl, cover, and refrigerate for several hours until cold. Freeze in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer’s directions, then freeze overnight.
2.Allow ice cream to soften in refrigerator for 10 minutes before serving.
If you don’t have an ice cream machine, you can make this in the freezer. Just pour the puree into a dish and place it into the freezer. Freeze for about 2 to 3 hours, then mash it into a slush; repeat the freezing and mashing about 3 to 4 times so that the ice cream will be smooth. Finally, freeze overnight and serve as directed.

The next person who looks at this forum should add a pic of their fave dessert, but hey have to know how many carbs it is. I really like this guessing game. It practices our ability to count carbs, we get to get yummy recipes, and its fun!

I ate a higher carb version of these today, but found a recipe for low carb version. Guess how many carbs in both!

No, they don’t have 35, 15, or 6 in them. Guess again! :slight_smile:


Ok, since nobody has gotten the right answer yet, should I wait some more or should I post the answer?

Getting closer… :slight_smile:


19 for the regular, and about 11 for the reduced carb version.

The regular carb count is correct, but the reduced carb amount is still too high…