It’s still less for the reduced amount! LOL! :slight_smile:

Here’s a hint: these are chocolate-covered peanut butter bars…

That’s about right, Emmy. For the regular peanut butter bars, I used Betty Crocker’s peanut butter cookie mix and topped it with melted bittersweet chocolate sweetened with some Splenda.
Here’s a recipe for how to make these low-carb that I copied from www.christmascookies.com:

Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookie Bars
three point four stars 78% would make this again
1.3 grams of carbs per cookie
Makes about 40
1/2 cup sugar-free chunky peanut butter
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup chopped pecans
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 packets of sugar substitute
2 tablespoons soy flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

Pre-heat oven to 375 F. Spray a casserole pan with non-stick cooking spray. In a large mixing bowl blend together all ingredients. Spread the mix into the pan and bake about 10 minutes or until set. Cool for 1 minute on baking sheet then remove to wire racks to cool completely.

To make chocolate topping, just melt 4 oz bittersweet chocolate for 30 seconds at a time, stirring every time they go off in microwave and stir in Splenda or Stevia to taste. Spread over the peanut butter bars, then let cool. Chocolate topping has about 3 grams carbs/serving. Cut into about 40 squares to get the carb count that Emmy said.

Ok, time for a new dessert for everyone to drool over and guess how many carbs!

Is is sugar free? I’m guessing about 18?

This will be posted as both regular and low-carb. Higher for regular, and lower for low-carb. Guess again!

Lower on both, Emmy!

Yes, that’s close enough to be considered correct by the time you round the actual number of carbs. 28.2 and 4.5 to be precise. The dessert is Key Lime Cheesecake. I will post both recipes I found online below, since they describe 2 different ways to make it.
The first recipe has 28.2 total grams carbs in it and was found on allrecipes.com. You can modify this to reduce the amount of carbs if you wish.
Key Lime Cheesecake I By: BLUEKAT76
Cooking Level: Intermediate
“My favorite dessert to make has to be cheesecakes. This is just one of many that gets lot of requests. It is sweet and tangy just like its more familiar cousin, the pie. I usually serve it with whipped cream and lime slices. Enjoy!”
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
6 tablespoons butter, melted
24 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
3 eggs
1 tablespoon grated lime zest
2/3 cup key lime juice
1.Combine cookie or graham cracker crumbs with butter or margarine. Press into bottom and partially up sides of 9 inch springform pan. Refrigerate.
2.In a large bowl, beat with an electric mixer the cream cheese, sugar, lime peel, and cornstarch until smooth and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time, blending just until smooth. Add key lime juice with mixer on low. Finish mixing by hand. Do not overbeat, or cake will crack during baking. Pour batter into prepared crust.
3.Bake at 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 55 to 65 minutes, or until set. To minimize cracking, place a shallow pan half full of hot water on lower rack during baking.
4.Turn oven off, and let cheesecake stand in oven 30 minutes with the door open at least 4 inches. Remove from oven. Refrigerate cake overnight, and up to three days. (Makes 12 servings).

And now for the low-carb cheesecake recipe, which has 4.5 grams carbs/serving. I found this recipe on www.lowcarbluxury.com.
Key Lime Cheesecake
3 Tablespoons butter
1/2 cup ground almonds (or walnuts, or pecans)
2 Tablespoons Splenda
1 cup boiling water
1 small box (3 oz) lime sugarfree gelatin
(Use Cottee’s Brand for Splenda sweetened version.)
1/2 pint heavy cream
8-oz package Philadelphia Cream Cheese
3 Tablespoons Nellie & Joe’s Key West Lime Juice
1 cup Splenda
For Crust: Melt butter in a pie plate. Press in ground nuts mixed with 2 Tablespoons Splenda. Let chill in refrigerator. Meanwhile, make filling: Mix water with lime sugarfree gelatin. Set in refrigerator to partially set up. In a bowl, whip heavy cream. Set aside. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese, key lime juice, and 1 cup Splenda until smooth. Very lightly mix in partially set lime gelatin. Fold in whipping cream. Pour into pie shell. Chill 2 to 3 hours. Top with additional whipped cream if desired. Serves 10 - Carbs per serving: 4.5

Here’s another pie for you to guess how many carbs (if somebody guesses correctly fast enough, the recipe will be in time for the 4th of July). I am asking for the carb count for both regular and low carb versions again.