So here's my situation. I am a type 2 diabetic taking glipizide (10mg twice a day), and also taking a long acting insulin (levemir, 100 units)
I'll test my sugars in the morning, and I might be in the 150 to 170 range.
I'll have a breakfast, typically a protein - lately its been some lean body drinks that are 40g proteins, 0 net carbs (9g carbs total), and I will take a dose of short acting insulin (humalog, 20units)
Two hours later I will find that my sugar has shot up to the low to mid 200s. If I take a correcting dose by the doctors suggested formula (15 more units), I will get back down, then about an hour later crater with a low in the 70s to 80s. I just went through one of those about an hour ago and I had to get some sugar in me to get back up to functional.
Its almost the short term insulin somehow sat in the subq region, and took its sweet time getting into my system, and then hit all at once.
I have noticed that if I don't take the second dose of short term, I will fall in a good range, but thats 5 to 6 hours after a very low carb meal, instead of the desired 2 hours after a meal
The doc is on my case about being "out of control", and of course the A1C backs him up.
Anyone have any ideas as to what I can do better?
Do I do smaller correcting doses?
I changed taking the long acting insulin from just before bedtime to just as I wake up to see if that might help, but it doesnt.